Sufferings & Consolations
John Rusk
`For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so
our consolation also aboundeth by Christ"-- 2 Cor. 1: 5.
It was my intention when I finished my last book, called the Chequered
Life of a Christian, to write no more in this way; but our ways are not
God's ways, neither is our thoughts God's thoughts. Last night I
suffered sorely, and was brought very low, insomuch that I dreaded the night,
and really sunk so, as I was in great fear, but the Lord preserved me from
black despair, and gave me to see the light of another day, to Him be all
the glory; but it has left a deep impression on my soul. After I came home
from work, I thought to go on with Mr. Romaine's Walk of Faith, but
it came into my mind to write a little upon the sufferings of Jesus, experienced
by the saints, and I therefore committed it to the Saviour, and He brought
me through this also. I know it is but little that I can write upon such
a mysterious subject, yet I would wish as it is on my mind to say a little,
and it can be but little. As the Lord blessed the following pages to me
while writing, I hope He will also to some poor tried souls in reading,
and He shall have all the glory.
"For as the sufferings of Christ abound in
us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ"-- 2 Cor. 1:
The Apostle Paul in this chapter is encouraging the Church of God at
Corinth under their afflictions, and none more capable of it (under God)
than Paul: for he well knew the painful path; and indeed this was told him
when he first set out in the work, hence God told Ananias, "I will
shew Paul what great things he suffer for My name's sake."
It is often the case that the sins which by nature we are so fond of, when
called by grace they are sure to be a sore burden, and it is done that we
may not forget our base original. Paul was a noted persecutor, and now he
shall in a particular way and manner suffer persecution; we have a large
account of this in the Acts of the Apostles, and in the 6th chapter of this
Book; "for as we measure to others, it shall be measured to us again."
But take notice of this one thing, and that is, the enemies of Jesus and
His family differ entirely in all their views from God, against the church;
God intends to humble and chastise us, they intend our destruction; hence
they did not persecute Paul because he persecuted the saints no, but for
the name of Jesus! All their malice and hatred, with the devil at the head
of them, was against Christ, and ever will. But then observe, it is not
all sufferings that are the sufferings of Christ no; "Man is born
to trouble (every man through sin) as the sparks fly upward";
and some go all their days afflicted in body, in family, and in circumstances,
and yet none of these are the sufferings of Christ in our text: but, say
you, did not Jesus suffer some of these? Yes; but if a man has nothing more
than this, it cannot be proved that these are the sufferings of Christ in
our text, for such never have the consolations, whereas these sufferings
are sure to have the consolations.
Again, it is not those sufferings that a good man may procure from open
backslidings, as David, Peter, and the incestuous person no; this is a being
buffeted for our faults; hence Peter says, "but let none of you
suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody
in other men's matters." You know the Arminians boast of their
sufferings, as well as their brethren, the Roman Catholics; but, alas! They
are only buffeted for their faults.
Again, these sufferings are not God's judgments in vindictive wrath;
for though the Lord Jesus suffered all this for His family, yet they never
suffer in this way, for at the most it is only a little wrath; but what
He suffered was that wrath which we must have endured to all eternity: as
Mr. Hart says
"At most we do but taste the cup, For Thou alone hast
drank it up. "
Hence, the Saviour speaking by the Prophet says, "Was ever sorrow
like unto My sorrow!" No, in this sense there is no comparison.
God's judgments do come on the wicked, as Pharaoh, and others; but none
of this is the sufferings of Christ in our text; for such shall have the
We will now endeavour, as the Lord shall assist, to treat a little about
these sufferings in our text; and,
- Show that they abound.
- Treat of the consolations, and that they abound also by Christ.
And O that the blessed Spirit of Jesus may lead us into these blessed
truths! For it is His work to testify of Jesus, and to take of the things
of Jesus, and show them to us. But if He does not, we cannot get properly
into the subject.
Then observe, the Lord Jesus was rich; as the Eternal God He possessed
all riches, being equal with the Father and the Holy Ghost; but though He
was rich (infinitely so), yet for our sakes He became poor; He therefore
condescended to become incarnate, and take our nature into union with His
Divine Person, which union took place manifestly in the Virgin's womb;
He was made under the Law, and therefore stood in our Law place; He was
born of poor parents, in a mean place, a stable; there the Virgin Mary brought
Him forth, for there was no room for Him in the inn. At eight days old,
He was circumcised according to the Law; and at that very time all the sins
of the whole elect world were placed to His account, for at that time they
were transferred from us to Him; hence the Apostle Paul says, "we
put off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ";
and He carried them about with Him for thirty-three years; went about doing
good to the bodies and souls of men; He wrought out a perfect righteousness;
obeyed every command of His Heavenly Father; sought His Father's glory
in all things; preached the Gospel; suffered hunger and thirst; was in the
mountain whole nights praying to His Father; was hated, despised, persecuted,
and rejected of men; abhorred by whole nations; and at last He was apprehended
and taken; stood at Pilate's bar condemned (being responsible for us);
here justice held Him fast, and let us go, "Smite the shepherd,
and the sheep shall be scattered," from the stroke; they mocked
Him; spit upon Him; put on Him a purple robe; scourged Him; put on Him a
crown of thorns; and said, "hail, King of the Jews!" Then
they nailed Him to the Cross, and here the powers of darkness in full force
engaged Him; our sins laid heavy on Him (this He well knew and expected),
when in the garden of Gethsemane He said, "Now is My soul troubled,
My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death, and He sweat, as it were,
great drops of blood"; and prayed three times, "O My Father,
if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless not My will but
Thine be done," and an angel appeared from heaven strengthening
Him; and at last it come; "now is the judgment of this world, now
shall the prince of this world be cast out; and I, if I be lifted up
(on the Cross) will draw all men unto Me." On the Cross, they
gave Him gall and vinegar, stood and shook their heads, laughing and saying, "He
saved others, Himself He cannot save; if He be the Son of God, let Him come
down from the Cross, and we will believe Him." His Father hid His
face, and poured on Him the wrath and curse of His Holy Law which was due
to us; and thus He was crucified between two thieves, finished the whole
work, and gave up the ghost.
Having briefly hinted at the sufferings of our blessed Lord and Saviour
let us now run the parallel between the believer and Him; for as He has
left us an example that we should follow His steps; and as He Himself declares,
we shall indeed drink of the cup which He drank of. I say there certainly
is a faint resemblance between the Lord Jesus and His family; but, alas!
There is no comparison; for His was vindictive wrath, un-atoned guilt, and
wrath unappeased; which, as I told you before, never could come upon us.
There are nine things in which this resemblance consists, and they are
all sufferings.
First, Jesus Christ felt the weight of our sins, as already observed, "He
bore our sins from the cradle to the Cross." And God's family
shall feel the weight (in a measure) of their own sins, that they may faintly
enter into the sufferings of the Lord Jesus; for how is it possible that
we can tell, in the least, what He felt of sin, if we never feel, in any
measure, the weight of our own; hence Paul declares, "that every man
shall bear his own burden," and sin is a sore burden, wherever it is
felt. It was this that made David cry out, "I have no soundness
in my flesh because of Thine anger, nor rest in my bones because of my sins;
they are gone over my head, a sore burden, too heavy for me." Now
if they are so keenly felt by God's elect, that have a body of sin and
death in them, how infinitely more must sin be felt by he Lord Jesus who
was holy, harmless, and undefiled, separate from sinners, and yet had the
sins of the whole elect world (millions of souls) placed to His account,
and He had them all His days, from His circumcision to the Cross; hence
the Prophet Isaiah, declares, that "God laid upon Him (or caused
to meet upon Him) the iniquities of us all." All the sins of
every vessel of mercy before Jesus came in the flesh, and all the sins of
every chosen vessel after He came down to the end of time, were caused to
meet upon Him. Ah! Fellow traveller, sin is no trifling thing, to occasion
the Son of God to wade through such scenes of sufferings for the worst or
enemies; "for while we were yet enemies, Christ died for us."
Here was love without a parallel, voluntary, free, sovereign; for He might
have left all the human race to perish in their corruption; but as His delights,
before time, was with the sons of men, so He manifested that love in not
standing at any cost to redeem their soul from Satan, sin, and death. Yes,
my dear friends, He rejoiced to undertake the work; hence He says, "I
have a baptism to be baptized with, and how am I straitened till it be accomplished";
and the thought of having us all with Himself forevermore, rejoiced His
heart; hence Paul says, "who for the joy that was set before Him,
endured the Cross, despised the shame," etc., and never was known
to murmur nor repine once; "He is led as a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before his shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth."
And yet had the tenderest feelings of human nature, the woman's seed
tender and delicate; He keenly felt what was coming, when He said, "how
am I straitened now is My soul troubled Father, if it be possible, let this
cup pass from Me" and sweat as it were great drops of blood, falling
to the ground. Now the little of sufferings for sin which we feel, we have
procured, so that we have no cause to complain; but, alas! We are continually
murmuring at what little we feel; still feel it we shall all our days; for
our text says, that these sufferings of Christ abound in us. And if you
look back in the light of God, you will see how the discovery of sin has
increased in you; and the viler you have seen and felt yourself, the more
painful have your feelings been. I say this has gone on, till now you feel
yourself the vilest wretch on earth; for as you grow in grace, so also in
a knowledge of yourself; and so you can enter more and more into the dreadful
nature of sin, and what great sufferings the Lord Jesus went through for
you; is it so, or is it not? Then do not the sufferings of Christ abound
in you.
Secondly, Jesus Christ was, tempted by Satan; "then was Jesus
led by the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil."
And we read of three things he tempted Jesus to.
1st, Finding the Saviour hungry, he says, "if Thou be the Son
of God command that these stones be made bread":
2nd, He tempted Him to worship him: and
3rdly, To cast himself down from the pinnacle of the temple; but Jesus
foiled him with God's Word every time. But this was not all (for Paul
tells us, He was "tempted in all points like unto us";
various ways therefore, and sorely was He tempted: hence He says to His
disciples, "ye are they which have continued with Me" in
My temptation), no, no. Satan was desperate against the Captain of our salvation
all His days; but he had no allies to work upon in the Saviour as he has
in us, "the prince of this world cometh, but hath nothing in Me."
Then say you He could not feel it so much: yes, and ten thousand times more;
for the more corruption works, the less are the temptations of Satan felt.
But as Mr. Huntington used to say, how do Satan's temptations set upon
you after enjoying much of God's presence? Why, say you, very keenly
indeed. Very well; and are you not at that time the more like Jesus you
are tender in the fear of God walking in obedience of His will believing
and trusting in Him. And if at such times you feel Satan's temptations
so much, then how very sore must Jesus have felt them, who in His nature
was opposite in every sense to Satan.
Then we must expect to suffer from Satan's temptations. And I will
tell you how I have acted at those times; then I have gone to the Lord Jesus,
as follows: trembling, on the borders of despair, according to my feelings,
and I have said, "Lord, Thou hast promised that we shall not be tempted
above that we are able, but that Thou wilt make a way for our escape that
when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord should
lift up a standard against him that we should resist him steadfast in the
faith that we should overcome him by Thy precious blood, and by the word
of our testimony that Thou wilt succour us under temptation, and knoweth
how to deliver the godly out of it that Thou will not break the bruised
reed, nor quench the smoking flax that those that come to Thee Thou wilt
in no wise cast out": and I assure you, I have felt a little relief,
and the temptation has got weaker. I believe I have gone this way a hundred
times with the same words; and this proves the Godhead of Christ, for He
has often attended to my cry, when very low, and almost gone. But if you
and I never suffered by Satan's temptations, how could we enter into
what Jesus suffered? No, not in the least. But, as these sufferings abound,
we learn experimentally the worth and value of Him, who was "manifest
in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil."
I remember some years ago, one Sunday morning, being sorely tempted to
an old besetting sin, and it gained ground fast upon me. I kneeled down
to the chair to pray; and yet at that time, I certainly regarded iniquity
in my heart; however, against wind and tide, I cried to the Lord Jesus,
saying, "O Thou that overcame all these devils upon the Cross, grant
that the victories of Thy death may be felt in me at this time."
I got up, and then went again, and shortly the temptation got weaker and
weaker, till at last it was all gone.
Yes, fellow sufferer, you never will gain any ground on Satan, but by
faith in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Satan trembles when he finds
you crying to Him, for He has all power, and He has promised to give us
power to tread on serpents, scorpions, and over all the powers of the enemy.
These things I have proved again and again; for, I can truly say, I have
suffered sorely from Satan. But not only from Satan in his accusations,
reproach, condemnation, and blasphemy but
Thirdly, Jesus Christ suffered from men. From the world at large from
professors and from His own family.
1st, The world at large. Hence He says, "the world hates Me,
because I testify that the works thereof are evil." And as soon
as ever the Lord has put His fear in our hearts, which is to depart from
evil, they soon find us out; for it is impossible for us to go on in the
old way. Our hearts are now made tender, so that we shun our former companions,
and cleave to those that are serious, and appear religious characters; hence
Peter says, "wherein they think it strange that you run not with
them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you": and this
is, at times, painful work, to be spoken evil of, when we are conscious
it is without cause, and we do not deserve such treatment from them. David
felt this; hence he says, "false witnesses are risen up against
me, they laid to my charge that which I knew not." But how infinitely
far did the Lord Jesus suffer this way, who was without the least taint
of sin; for the very devils were compelled to confess, that He was the Holy
One of God. And it is impossible for one of God's family to have to
do with worldly men without suffering, let him act how he will; for if he
opposes them in all their wicked works, they will be desperate against him,
and he will at times keenly feel it: so that he suffers for righteousness
sake (or the new man, called created righteousness), this they hate, for
it is against the interest of the flesh, and attended with much opposition
from corrupt nature; and they, being altogether corrupt, will ever war after
the flesh. Yes, and a believer in this has to fight against himself; for
every corruption still remains in the best Christian living, and it is no
easy thing to deny a man's self, to fight against self; it is like cutting
off a right hand and plucking out a right eye. But all this is required;
and if a man is determined to war after the flesh, and will not bear his
cross, he at once manifests, that he is no disciple of Christ: so that this
new nature in us, fights against the world, and all the ungodly practices
of it; and against the old man of sin, which works strong for the mastery
in ourselves. Again, if through the fear of man we backslide and slip into
sin, then it is worse by far; for we suffer for our wretched conduct, and
are buffeted for our faults. This, in time will bring on the rod, stripes,
scourges, etc., but this is not suffering for Christ's sake.
But again, as Jesus Christ suffered from the world, so secondly, from
professors. And therefore you find that His worst enemies were those that
pretended to great things in religion. "From that time forth began
Jesus to shew unto His disciples, how that He must go unto Jerusalem, and
suffer many things of the elders, and chief priests, and scribes, and be
killed, etc." (Matt. 16:21). These, as before observed, were religious
characters, zealous of the Law of Moses, very holy and devout in appearance;
and where are there worse enemies that the Christian has, than those in
a profession' And the more light they have, the worse they are, "Ye
have seen and hated both Me and My Father." For they know, some
of them, how to touch a poor child of God in a sore place, and add to the
grief of them whom God has wounded, "for with lies they make the
heart of the righteous sad." Hence in the Apostle's days, then
enforced, "except ye be circumcised, and keep the Law of Moses,
ye cannot be saved"; which Peter calls tempting God to put a yoke
upon the necks of the disciples, which was unbearable. And plenty there
is of this in the day in which we live it is neither Law nor Gospel bitter
enemies such are to the pure Gospel of Christ; and, they heap upon God's
ministers all kinds of evil names, calling them Antinomians, loose livers,
despisers of the Law, spiritual blackguards, etc. When, on the contrary,
they are the only people that are an honour to the pure Gospel. But all
this, is suffering for Christ's sake, and His sufferings; for if He
was not in the believer, the world would love its own. But it is Christ
which they are fighting against; hence Paul calls his sufferings the sufferings
of Christ, saying, "that I might fill up that which is behind";
a measure of Christ's sufferings, for His body's sake, the Church.
But did Christ leave His work of suffering unfinished? No. Did He leave
any thing for Paul to do to complete it? No: for He cried with a loud voice, "it
is finished!" But the real meaning is, that if Christ had not been
in Paul he would have had no such sufferings; so that it was Christ's
sufferings. Christ suffers when His members suffer; for there is an eternal
union, "he that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of My eye";
and the eye is a tender part. David calls it "shooting at the perfect,"
or at Christ in David. Cain struck at Christ in Abel; and so did Paul when
he persecuted the saints, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me;
it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks."
But again, the Lord's family have suffered for His sake in the loss
of their lives. What numbers suffered at Smithfield years ago! And this
part of suffering always was brought about by pretenders to religion. "The
time cometh, when whosoever killeth you will think they do God service."
Hence, the Saviour says, "wherefore behold I send unto you prophets,
and wise men, and scribes, and some of them ye shall kill and crucify, and
some of them ye shall scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from
city to city; that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the
earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, son
of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. O Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent
unto thee," etc. (Matt. 23:35-37).
Thus the same devil that drove them on to kill the Prince of Life, was
desperate also against those prophets, wise men, and scribes, and killed
them also. He was a murderer from the beginning; and by Divine permission
works in these, his agents, to bring his wicked devices to pass.
But though all are not called to suffer in this way; yet, as Paul says, "For
Thy sake are we killed all the day long, we are accounted as sheep for the
slaughter." And I believe that some suffer more in this way all
their days than others that go to the stake; for a man in going to the stake
soon gets out of it, although it may be very dreadful; but the others are
in deaths oft. Oh! The agony of soul that some are called to endure! And
the cruel treatment they meet with, as we read, "they wandered about
in sheep skins, goat skins, dens and caves of the earth, being destitute,
afflicted and tormented; they wandered in deserts, mountains, dens, and
caves of the earth" (Heb. 11:36-37). "They had trials of cruel
mockings and scourgings, bonds and imprisonments."
Now these are the sufferings of Christ abounding; and though you and
I live in a day when there is no outward persecution, yet we know not what
we may be called to yet. Our enemies and Christ's enemies are in heart
the same as ever; they only want power to put the whole in execution; and
I am sure, if we look at the dreadful appearance of things, everything looks
very black, the cruel oppression that is going on in the world so rampant,
the divisions that are amongst the saints, and the Lord's taking away
His ministering servants. I say, these things look very dark this is a cloudy
and dark day in which we live; we certainly have been highly favoured for
many years, and do not rightly know the worth of our privileges.
But, thirdly the Lord Jesus Christ not only suffered from the world,
and from professors, but He suffered from His own family. This may appear
strange, but it is true; and indeed, strictly speaking, He suffered not
only from them, but from them alone; for all His sufferings came wholly
and altogether because of their sins; as
Mr. Hart says
"They nailed Him to the accursed tree; They did,
my brethren, so did we. The soldiers pierced His side, 'tis
true, But we have pierced Him through and through. "
And another poet says
Yes, my sins have done the deed, Drove the nails that
fixt Him here, Crown d with thorns His sacred head, Pierc
d Him with a soldier's spear. Made His soul a sacrifice,
For a sinful world He dies. "
And, literally it was some of the elect of God that were engaged in crucifying
Him, and putting Him to death, which is very clear from the prayer of our
Lord upon the Cross, when He said, "Father, forgive them, for they
know not what they do"; for, it is evident that He never prayed
for any but the elect of God; "I pray for them, I pray not for the
world." And how did He suffer, when they all forsook Him in His
heaviest sufferings, "I looked for some to take pity, but there
was none; and for comforters, but I found none." Yes, my friends,
and how has He suffered from you and me; how have we provoked Him with our
whorish hearts, "thou hast wearied Me with thine iniquities, and
made Me to serve with thy sins"; and if He was not long-suffering,
He never would bear with you and I.
Now as Jesus suffered this way, so do you and I. What, say you, do God's
family suffer from one another? Yes, they really do. How is this? Say you.
Is it not the command of the Lord Jesus that we love one another? And does
not John bring this forward, as a proof that we have passed from death unto
life? Then how is it, that they suffer one of another? I will tell you:
the old man of sin in one believer will, at times, oppose the new man of
grace in another. These things I have watched; and I know that my old man
has made some of God's children, at times, suffer; for when I have been
sure that such have enjoyed God's presence, I have felt such hardness
of heart, pride, and such a bitter spirit, that I have felt wrath, jealousy,
and indignation work; and have sometimes felt as if I was like King Saul
that hated David.
And this will some time strip them of their comfort, and I have been
stripped by them in the same way; but this is not the case when they are
both alike under the sweet influence of the new man. Then they walk together,
and are agreed; then they love one another; then they prove manifestly that
they are passed from death unto life.
In this way, the Lord Himself suffered from Peter's old man; hence,
when the Saviour told Peter what He should suffer from the chief priests,
and that He would be put to death, Peter began to rebuke Him, and said, "this
shall never come unto Thee. Jesus answered, get thee behind Me, Satan, for
thou art an offence unto Me; thou savorest not the things of God, but those
that be of men." "Only by pride cometh contention."
The pride of this old man rises high at times in one believer against that
sweet humble spirit which the new man discovers in another. I have greatly
feared, at such times, that I certainly should take an offence at Zion;
and you will find this opposition also from yourself. O what have I suffered
from this wretched old man! Evil (says Paul) is present with me, so that
when I would do good, I cannot; for "the flesh lusteth against the
Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary the one
to the other, so that we cannot do the things that we would."
And here also the new man suffers humility is opposed by wretched pride-meekness
by a hard heart love by enmity faith by unbelief hope by despondency peace
by bitterness love to God by a love to idols zeal for truth by carelessness
and indifference; and so we might go on, and in all this we suffer. We suffer
in a twofold sense; for the new man suffers from the old, and this is keenly
felt and the old man suffers from the new, and this is keenly felt also:
so that it is called crucifixion, which is a lingering death, "I
am crucified with Christ," etc. It is also called mortification,
and this is suffering, "mortify, therefore, your members which are
on the earth, fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence
and covetousness, which is idolatry," etc. So that there is a double
suffering felt in all believers. This is the sufferings of Christ abounding
in us, and they are called the afflictions of the Gospel; for when we are
under the influence of the old man, we cannot bear the restrictions of the
new thus we suffer; and when under the influence of the new man, we cannot
bear to be opposed by the old man; thus we ever shall suffer.
All this is the sufferings of Christ; for this fight is in none but those
in whom Christ lives. "I live (says Paul), yet not I, but
Christ liveth in me"; and God's mystery among the Gentiles
is Christ in all believers the hope of glory. All this will go on, and increase
more and more, which I have lived to prove; for I can look back ten and
fifteen years ago, and can see, as I have come on in the divine life, the
truth of our text, that the sufferings of Christ have abounded in me; and
I know it is in vain to think of a smooth path; suffer you will, if you
belong to Jesus nor will all the promises God has made exclude you from
suffering, when the Scripture says, that "a man's enemies are
those of his own house." What is the cause of all this do you suppose?
Why this opposition is all against the Lord Jesus Christ; "think
not that I am come to send peace on the earth, but a sword and a fire";
and instead of peace, rather divisions the father against the son, and the
son against the father the mother against the daughter, and the daughter
against the mother-the mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law, and the
daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law-and a man's enemies shall
be those of his own house.
Now this takes in the sufferings that God's children are sure to
have, both from their fellow Christians, as well as those in the ties of
nature; for wherever Christ comes, there is sure to be suffering. Hence
the Prophet Isaiah tells us, "that every battle of the warrior is
with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood"; but this shall
be with burning and fuel of fire. But what is the cause? Why, "unto
us a child is born."
It is clear then, that the text will stand good that "a man's
enemies are those of his own house," in the following way; 1st,
Those in the ties of nature-the husband and wife lived very happy, all the
time they lived together in a natural state, but let grace take possession
of one of them, and then sufferings begin. See that blessed worthy servant
of Christ, Henry Tanner, for a proof of this assertion, and what he suffered
from his wife; the same also in J. Barry, in what he suffered from his rich
relations, and how they cast him off. There are sure to be these sufferings
in a man's own house, from those that are in natural ties with him.
Again, if even it should please God that all in his house were, on the contrary,
partakers of grace, yet, every believer has an enemy within him. The old
man is sure, as before observed, to oppose the new man and his operations
in the other, so that we are sure to suffer even here; for it is impossible
to enjoy peace and unanimity, without all together are under the sweet influence
of grace, or under something of the teachings of God's Spirit; for two
cannot walk together except they are agreed: therefore, if you go home under
the sweet enjoyment of God's presence, your wife shall at that time,
perhaps, be under the influence of the old man; and though you intended
to speak precious things to her, she now has stripped you of your sweet
comfort, and you are shut up in bondage. Thus you suffer from her old man;
and Satan is pleased at all this.
The same also may be said of the Church of God; it is this wretched nature
within us, under the influence of Satan, which occasions all this strife.
A society of Christians shall meet together; some shall be very happy in
the Lord, and the others, although partakers of grace, shall at that time
be miserable, wretched, and of a contentious spirit; this old man will work
up in enmity, coldness, hardness of heart, etc., and they will mutter things
till they are sure sometimes to rob others, especially the weak in faith.
I have felt it from others, and have been under this wretched spirit myself.
I believe that Thomas was under this wretched influence of unbelief,
etc., so that "a man's enemies are those of his own house."
As I said before, so I repeat it again, a believer is at war with himself;
his wretched enemies are within him, and he takes them with him go wherever
he will, and never so secure, but what they may rise up and rob him of his
choicest comforts; so that the life of a Christian is sure to be a life
of sufferings; and go which way you will you never can avoid it. These are
the sufferings of Jesus.
Fourthly, As man, and standing in our Law place, He certainly suffered
in the flesh by the loss of all earthly things, though Lord of all, and
for our sakes only. Now the Lord Jesus was, and is, the Heir of all things.
All things are put under His feet; sheep, oxen, fowls of heaven, fishes
of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea; yet He
lived on the alms of His followers, asked water of the woman at the well,
worked a miracle to pay the tribute money, when the silver and gold was
His, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. Again, all honour was due to
Him; He is worthy to receive honour, power, glory, riches, and strength;
but instead of all this, in His humiliation He is dishonoured, set at nought,
despised and rejected of men, abhorred by the nations, called the poor and
needy man, a worm and no man, crucified through weakness, needed the angel
to strengthen Him in the garden, needed prayer to His Father, exercised
trust, faith, hope, love, fear, etc., with every other grace. Thus, "though
He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor"; poorer than any of
His family ever can be, and sunk lower in feelings than they ever have or
will, though He was the Almighty Jehovah. "Great is the mystery
of godliness, God manifest in the flesh."
Now as it was with the Head, so it is with the members of His mystical
body. "You shall be hated of all men for My name's sake; the
servant is not greater than his Lord (it is enough that the servant
be as his Lord); if they have persecuted Me, they will persecute you;
if they keep My sayings, they will keep yours also." Hence it is,
that losses and crosses are sure to come in a very particular way on the
followers of Jesus Christ. What do you suppose is meant by such texts as
these? "Buy the truth, and sell it not." Again, "the
kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a
man hath found, he hideth; and for joy thereof, goeth and selleth all that
he hath, and buyeth that field"
(Matt. 13:44). "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant
man seeking goodly pearls, which when he hath found one pearl of great price,
went and sold all that he hath, and bought it" (ver. 45-46). "He
that will save his life shall lose it, and he that will lose his life for
My sake, and the Gospel's, shall find it." "He that
will not forsake father, mother, houses, lands, wife, children, and his
own life, he cannot be My disciple; he is not worthy of Me." Now
all these texts must have some meaning; for we all know that the grace of
God is free, "without money and without price"; and yet
here is buying and suffering great loss as Peter with the rest declared, "we
have left all, and followed Thee"; and Paul suffered the loss of
all things.
Dear reader, if you in heart are after the Lord Jesus Christ, you must
expect losses and crosses all your days. If your character is undeniable,
as a man, you will lose it; see Job. You will be as the offscouring and
filth of all things, or the scrapings of a pot - a spectacle of men and
angels set at nought of no account dishonoured by this world. Your desire
through grace will be to live peaceably with all men, and to seek after
the salvation of their souls; but the more you persevere, and God keeps
you unremittedly at this, the more they will hate, despise, and abhor you.
You will separate from them at first, and they will try hard to get you
back, by flattery and by appearing very kind to you; but when they find
that all their efforts are in vain, then they will fully "separate
you from their company, and speak all manner of evil against you (falsely)
for Christ's name sake": and thus, for His sake, you will "be
killed all the day long, and will be accounted as sheep for the slaughter."
These are the sufferings of Christ.
Should we not have supposed that when the Lord Jesus Christ came into
this world, that He would have been gladly received by all men? And for
this reason, He always went about doing good, healing all manner of diseases,
the blind He restored to sight, the deaf He opened their ears, the lame
He cured, the dead He raised, worked miracles to feed the hungry, "I
have compassion on the multitude, because they have been with Me three days,
and have nothing to eat; and if I send them away fasting, they will faint
by the way," etc. And what did He get for all this? Why, they said,
He cast out devils by Beelzebub, the prince of devils they called Him gluttonous
and a winebibber a friend of publicans (that is, of those that overreach,
extort, and are covetous) for a publican was a tax gatherer under the Roman
emperor; they cozened and cheated. This view they had of our Lord, when
they asked Him, whether it was lawful to pay tribute to Caesar, or not?
And that He was a friend of sinners; that is, that He loved them best that
lived in sin and wickedness. They said, He hath a devil and is mad, why
hear ye Him? They called the Master of the house Beelzebub, said He broke
the Sabbath day, was a blasphemer, and an enemy to Moses; in short, they
did all that they possibly could to injure Him in this world; and at last
raised false witnesses to put Him to death. This is human nature; here is
Arminian perfection in full growth; and here are you and I, reader, but
for sovereign grace.
*Now let us look at a vessel of mercy, who must suffer with Christ. Well
then, he lays in the ruins of the fall-goes on in the broad road-a drunkard-a
thief-a Sabbath breaker-a whoremaster-spends his money in waste, and family
starving-quarrelling and fighting continually, so that he troubles all about
him-his children barefooted and ragged through his wretched conduct. Well,
is he hated of all men? No; nor in heart of any (but God's people, for
they hate his conduct), for though now and then they speak against him,
yet they will say, that lie is a good meaning man, and his own enemy, poor
fellow; so that all such conduct is hushed up. As for the Pharisee, he loves
to see such; for he shines so much the more the worse they are: but such
can never be hated, without we deny our Lord's words, "if you
were of the world, the world would love its own." Well, let grace
take hold of this poor man; he now is quite altered-he is sober, honest,
industrious, a good husband, father, neighbour, etc., and lives in the fear
of God, giving all the glory to the God of his salvation. Then comes on
the sufferings of Christ, sooner or later; and go which way he will, he
never can escape if he lives godly in Christ Jesus. Hence David declares,
that they are his adversaries, because he follows the thing that good is,
and that is the Lord Jesus Christ; for He is the good thing promised to
the house of Israel. If you are a good man in power, you may clothe, feed,
and give them your property, out of real kindness, but it matters not; though
they may appear to like you, it is only in appearance; no, nor was you to
be the cause of your family's ruin through doing them good, you never
could by all such kind treatment overcome this enmity; see Mr. Huntington's
kind usage to
Butler, in his book called "Forty Stripes." Hence David says, "false
witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not; they
rewarded me evil for good, to the spoiling of my soul; but as for me, when
they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth, I humbled my soul with fasting,
I behaved myself as though he had been my friend and brother, I bowed down
heavily as one that mourneth for his mother; but in mine adversity, they
rejoiced and gathered themselves together; yea, the abject gathered themselves
together against me, and I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not;
with hypocritical mockers in feasts, they gnashed upon me with their teeth"
(Psa. 35:11-16). And again, "for my love they are my enemies, but
I give myself unto prayer." The same also you may see in Job, if
you carefully read his sufferings; compare chap. 29 and 30 together, and
also 31st chapter.
I know that there is but one thing that will overcome this hatred, and
that is, being a partaker of the love of God, in the happy enjoyment of
it; hence Solomon tells us, that "a gift in secret pacifieth anger,
and a reward in the bosom strong wrath." What a gift is the love
of God in Christ Jesus? And if you are a Christian that have been some years
in the ways of God, you most likely have found yourself at times in such
a fearful state of soul, insomuch that you have feared lest you should be
given up to hardness of heart, and at the same time tried in providence
to the uttermost. Well, in this condition you have been in company with
some that really loved and feared God; yes, and they simply loved you for
Christ's sake, and have manifested this love to you in very great acts
of kindness, inasmuch as that you yourself have wondered at it; and yet
you shall feel cold to them, shut up, hardhearted, and could not act to
them as they have to you, according to your present feelings, was it to
save your soul; and this shall go on for weeks and months, and you shall
feel that after all their kindness you could shake them off, and feel as
if you never wish to see them more; yes, and perhaps get in company with
some that they formerly were in union with, who will speak against them,
and your deceitful heart will so work, if these people appear kind, to take
part with them in some little way against your kind friend; this will terrify
you, and you will expect to take an offence at Zion altogether. Now this
is the same as David's enemies found against David; only you are brought
to feel a change; for this gift in secret will pacify the anger, and you
shall be brought in honest confession to God, and to acknowledge your faults
one to another; or else there is no difference in the human heart. Thus
God's family suffer in their character - in the loss of property to
enemies - and in hard usage from real saints, after all their kind treatment
to them.
But again, the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ may be attended with
the loss of all we have in this world, and our lives also. Now I shall take
this up two ways. 1. In supposition; 2. In reality.
1st, In supposition. Therefore God's children suffer very likely
as much here, as some do in reality; for Satan being permitted to work,
he will suggest to them thousands of fears, losses, crosses, etc., that
will never take place; hence he suggested to David that he should one day
fall by the hand of Saul, and kept him in continual fear - as Jacob, that
he should lose all his children, that all these trials were against him,
and that his grey hairs would be brought down with sorrow to the grave.
Some also are "all their life subject to bondage, through the fear
of (eternal) death." Mr. Huntington speaks of a poor woman,
in the Living Testimonies, that was always tossed with tempests, with this
text, "He will violently toss thee as a ball in a far country";
and yet she made a good end at death. I myself have been sorely tried that
persecuting days would come in my time openly, that I really should be called
to give up wife, children, life, and all for Christ; and this coming, when
under a feeling sense of my own weakness, I have concluded that I never
could do so - that I should turn back in the day of battle - that I could
not bear my cross, and therefore no disciple - that I should not endure
to the end, and could not be saved-that I to save these things must deny
Christ-that my faith was only presumption and that shortly I should be manifested
to all the family of God, that I never in heart loved God, His family, nor
His truth - and that heavy sufferings would bring up dreadful corruptions
that all this time have been buried deep - that I was still in an unpardoned,
unjustified state-puffed up with light in the head - a name to live, and
as the root of the matter (namely, love) was not in me, I must fall away
- that I was alone-not in union with Christ - and that I should make shipwreck
of faith; and dreadful passages of Scripture have confirmed these feelings
in me, times without number; so that from day to day, more or less, I have
expected some judgment to overtake me - that God would leave me also in
the hands of the ungodly - and that I should be put in this fire to get
my bread that this fire should consume me - that when temptations and persecutions
come because of the Word, I should be offended that if I was righteous in
Christ, as I had told people, "the righteous are bold as a lion";
but no, I was "the wicked that fleeth when no man pursueth";
and that the fears I had, would in time take place, for "the fear
of the wicked shall come on him"; and again, "I will laugh
at your calamity, and mock when your fear cometh; when your fear cometh
with desolation, when distress and anguish comes on you, then shall they
call, and I will not hear": and really I have appeared to be the
very character; my hope has appeared gone, and I have expected black despair
to take place; for that I could not endure the chastening of the Lord, and
therefore it proved me to be a bastard, and not a son. Thus, under sore
temptations, we really may suppose that these things will take place, and
particularly when God's hand in providence for a time shall favour all
that we feel.
But 2nd, Some are really called to part with all for Christ. Yes, Christian
reader, some have been brought to forsake great advantages of a worldly
nature, and because God has kept them firm to the truth, they have instead
of being rich in worldly prosperity, been penniless; some have been forced
to leave their homes and families, and been imprisoned for Christ's
sake; see John Bunyan, Rutherford, and many others. Some have to all this
sealed the truth with their blood, gone to the stake for Jesus; and though
all do not go through these things in reality, yet numbers do in feelings,
as before observed; as Mr. Hart says,
Suffer martyrdom within, Though it seem less glorious.
From all which we see that sufferings will abound: and in this way of
giving up, we are said, to buy the truth, to buy the field, to sell all
we have, to lose character, good name, be hated, reproached, persecuted,
despised, forsaken, etc., for Christ's sake; and I am sure that head
knowledge in these sufferings will give all up. We read in Scripture of
some that could not endure; when Christ told the young man to go sell all
that he had and give to the poor, and he should have treasure in heaven;
to take up his cross and follow Him, he went away sorrowing, for he had
great possessions; and the sorrow of this world worketh death. Another says, "I";
the Lord Jesus answered, "the foxes have holes, and the birds of
the air have nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay His head":
and you hear no more of him. Another comes, "Lord, I will follow
Thee; but let me first go and bid them farewell that are at home."
Christ says, "No man having put his hand to the plough, and looking
back, is fit for the kingdom of God: remember Lot's wife."
Another says, "I will follow Thee; but let me first go and bury
my father." Christ says, "let the dead bury their dead,"
etc. Thus property of this world, and fear of coming to want in the young
man, poverty, the loss of friends, and love to them above Christ, with even
the burial of the body when dead, prevented all these characters (they not
being chosen vessels) from following the Lord Jesus.
It matters not what we may call ourselves, whether Church men, Dissenters,
Baptists, Calvinists, etc., nothing will secure our standing, but our having
the love of God shed abroad in our heart, which proves us to be the elect
of God; and this will keep us from falling away, and nothing short of it.
Hence, it is charity, or the love of God, "that suffereth long,
and is kind; charity endureth all things; charity never faileth."
This Paul had, and therefore suffered much; "I endure all things
for the elect's sake, that in me Jesus Christ might shew all long-suffering,
for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on Him to life everlasting"
(1 Tim. 1:16). The ministers of Jesus, sent and commissioned of Him to preach
the Word, are sure to suffer greatly; and in particular if intended to be
made very useful. They need it in order to go before the flock; to feed
both sheep and lambs; and also to keep them humble, and on their watchtower;
also that all the glory may redound to God alone. Hence Paul says, as before
observed, "I endure all things for the elect's sake";
and exhorts Timothy to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ;
and again, "whether we be afflicted it is for your consolation and
salvation; death worketh in us, but life in you."
Fifthly, Obedience. It is said, that "the Lord Jesus became obedient
unto death, even the death of the Cross"; but we are not to understand
His learning obedience is exactly as we learn it, because He never was disobedient.
Nevertheless, He had sinless infirmities; and the human nature did shrink
at the Cross. Were not these things inserted, Satan would tempt us to disbelieve
the reality of His sufferings. Hence He prayed, "Father, if it be
possible, let this cup pass from Me!" And then mind His obedience, "nevertheless,
not My will, but Thine be done."
But, alas! What disobedience to the Cross is there in all of us! What
kicking, murmuring, and rebellion; and as Mr. Erskine says, "what sinful
shifts are used to shun the cross": flesh and blood kicks at it, and
cannot endure it. But obedience is one of the greatest things; "to
obey is better than sacrifice," Samuel told Saul. Now let me come a
little nearer home, and ask my reader a question or two. Then have you not
in the course of your experience found out that if you are valiant for truth
you will have sore afflictions? And though God has promised "that
when you pass through the waters, He will be with you; and through the rivers,
they shall not overflow you," etc., yet you have tried hard to
keep out of these waters, rivers, and fires, till you have been afraid some
judgment would overtake you; you have seen the cross and tried to shun it:
yes, say you, I have really thought my case to be without a parallel, and
that I was like Saul, given up to disobedience. I do not doubt it; but for
your encouragement there is a great difference between having a bold disobedient
spirit, and through weakness and temptation trying to escape the cross,
lest we should be consumed.
Now to speak for myself, I feel a principle that would like to stick
at nothing, but go without the camp bearing His reproach; but alas! On the
other hand, I feel that I am a mere coward, that I shall deny the Lord,
and turn back in the day of battle. But at these sinking times, I have found
it good from God's Word in meditating on those that were so weak that
they could not go over the brook; nevertheless it is said, that they abode
by the stuff; and though you and I may feel so weak as to expect daily to
fall a prey to the teeth of every foe, and tremble at meeting an enemy;
yet God has not left us, bless His name! To give up one truth essential
to salvation, though we are often afraid we shall; yet our feet has held
His steps, etc., this is abiding by the stuff. No, no; it is not in a bold,
daring way, that we oppose the cross; but we would be glad to be strong
and valiant for Jesus. Take notice it is in them that are self-willed that
Christ speaks of; when He says, "he that will not (mark that,
will not) bear his cross": and do you know, poor tempted soul,
that the promises are made to the weak; yes, they really are. I do not find
that the three which were put in the fiery furnace, were very forward to
go in; for if they were, how is it that they were bound, and cast in? No;
human nature does not like it. I know that God sometimes gives a great share
of His love, and then it may be otherwise; but this is not always the case:
yet strength will be given equal to our day; but it is made perfect in our
weakness. If you and I did not feel this weakness, how could the Lord be
the glory of our strength? Jeremiah was ready to run from the cross, and
Jonah did: but you and I never shall gain ground if we do; for Jonah was
forced at last to come back, and preach the preaching that God bade him;
the path of duty is the path of safety. "Woe to him that striveth
with his Maker"; and Jonah declares, that "they that observe
lying vanities, forsake their own mercies."
But, notwithstanding all this, there is encouragement for the weak and
tempted, who are full of fears, concluding that all they do is wrong. Jesus "will
not break the bruised reed, nor quench the smoking flax, until He bring
forth judgment unto victory, and the isles shall wait for His Law."
Say you, my path appears different from the rest of God's family. I
once could claim God as my Father, and enjoyed the witness within. I loved
the truth, and His family-felt sweet peace and no slavish fear; but now
the scene is changed, and I feel sore temptations to despair-I am full of
slavish fear and terror-I expect to make shipwreck of faith-I feel cold
and shut up to God's family and cause; yes, and feel so hardened, I
fear I am like Pharaoh: so that I dread night after night to go to bed,
expecting some judgment will overtake me-that I certainly am walking in
a snare-that God is angry with me-and that I am disobedient, like King Saul.
I know all this, and much more, and have been very near despair; but yet
God will not leave us.
These things are very useful, they bring us to close examination, honest
confession, and to humble prayer; and though the trial may go on for a time
that we may rue our base backslidings, yet He will not contend forever; "for
like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear
Him; for He knoweth our frame, He remembereth that we are but dust."
Now the more you and I are tried, the more we shall walk in obedience to
God's will; and the Lord is not a hard master, for "He stayeth
the rough wind in the day of the east wind." But as we carry about
us such a body of sin and death, we must have many weights and burdens laid
upon us, to mortify and crucify the old man, that the new man may be discovered,
and that we may walk tenderly in obedience to the will of God; and if you
look back you must acknowledge that you have procured these things to yourself.
David found this; and therefore says, "before I was afflicted, I
went astray"; and then mind his prayer, "O that my ways
were directed to keep Thy statutes."
An holy obedience to God's will, which is treading in Christ's
steps, will be attended with sufferings; and the more you and I labour to
live near the Lord Jesus, the more desperate will Satan, sin, death, the
world, our old man, and hypocrites be against us continually; hence Paul
says, "that when I would do good, evil is present with me."
This I find day after day, and so will you, with such sinkings and innumerable
fears, as if I was going instantly to destruction. But we are told not to
be afraid of sudden fear, nor of the desolation of the wicked when it cometh;
for the Lord shall be our confidence, and shall keep our feet from being
taken; and again, "he shall not be afraid of evil tidings, his heart
is fixed, trusting in the Lord." It is worth your while to take
notice of eminent Bible saints, that walked in obedience to God's will,
and yet what fears they had: see Abraham, he obeyed God's voice, kept
His charge, His statutes, and His Laws; and yet, "fear not, Abraham,
I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward." Moses also, he
was faithful in all God's house; and yet, "be not afraid Moses,
neither be thou dismayed": the same to Joshua. Daniel also; "fear
not, Daniel, greatly beloved." Job feared God and eschewed evil,
and yet he says, "I am afraid of all my sorrows, I know Thou wilt
not hold me innocent: even (says he) when I remember I am afraid,
and trembling taketh hold of my flesh." David, "I sought
the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears,"
this is, I humbly conceive for that time. Paul also, "fear not,
Paul, no man shall set on thee to hurt thee"; hence Paul says, "within
were fightings, and without were fears." Mary, the mother of our
Lord, "fear not, Mary": the shepherds, "fear not":
and John, that leaned on the bosom of Jesus, when he saw Him in His glorified
state, he says, "and when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead;
and He laid His right hand on me; and said, fear not, I am He that liveth,
and was dead, and behold I am alive again forevermore, amen; and (though
you are afraid of hell and death, you need not, for) I have the keys."
Now I write thus, to show that these alarming fears do not come on God's
children always for disobedience, as Satan often suggests. Indeed, men in
general have not these fears; Job tells us, that as for the wicked, "their
houses are safe from fear, neither is the rod of God upon them";
and though hypocrites may be full of fears, yet it is when God's judgments
come on them, which shortly takes place, as appears in King Saul; but not
all through their profession; hence Jude says, "feeding themselves
without fear."
I hope this little book will be very useful to the tried and tempted.
I write these things from experience; for I believe I am one of the very
weakest of God's family, and am sure I am; so that it would rejoice
my soul to be the means of "strengthening the weak hands, confirming
the feeble knees, and saying to those that are of a fearful heart (as
in truth I am) be strong." And what is the language of such
poor, timid, weak, fearful creatures? Why, they say, "the Lord has
forsaken me"; and Satan suggests, that God left Saul, and an evil
spirit from God troubled him; and this fills us with fear. Satan suggests
also, God is not your God, or you would not be so dark, confused, and full
of these fears; no, you are a sinner in Zion, one of the wicked that is
holden with the cords of his sin. But what says God, "fear not,
I am with thee; neither be thou dismayed, I am thy God (you are weak,
and), I will strengthen thee (you have no helper), I will help
thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness."
But in all these fears there are great sufferings; because under temptation
it appears to us that God's Word is point blank against us, neither
is it possible for us to make it out; as for instance, we read that "a
fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour
the adversaries," comes on some; and David says, "that
fearfulness and trembling took hold on him, he was afraid of God's judgments."
Now we conclude that we are the former and, oh, how the soul sinks lower
and lower, for we know not where it will end; and all this after being at
a full point about our state. I assure you, I know what I am writing about;
and it has gone so far with me, that I have expected every night to be my
last: but the Lord has appeared again and again, and brought me out. Still
I am as weak as ever. I believe there is much contained in those words, "for
we which live, are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that
the life also of Jesus might be manifest in our mortal flesh";
so that always being delivered unto death is the life of Jesus manifested;
and yet such are said to live. These are sufferings.
Oh, how I do feel at times for the tried and tempted; and yet such, under
all this, may be walking in holy obedience. Take notice, "who is
amongst you that feareth the Lord, and obeyeth the voice of His servant;
that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? Let him trust in the name of
the Lord, and stay upon his God."
Sixthly, Jesus Christ was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with griefs.
Hence, He says, by the Prophet Jeremiah, "Behold and see! All ye
that pass by; was ever sorrow like unto My sorrow?" To relate His
sorrow and grief is impossible as it really was. Sorrow and grief we all
know arises from troubles and distresses; and surely the Lord Jesus had
continual troubles; the weight of all our sins all His days, the whole of
God's elect, millions of souls! Now if our sins, when we are made sensible
of them, are so keenly felt, as David says, "a sore burden, too
heavy for me"; then what an inexpressible weight must these sins,
and the guilt of them, have been on the holy, harmless, Son of God, so tender
as He was Himself; add to this, the cruel treatment of men, watching over
His ways, works, and actions; trying to catch Him in His words, contradicting
Him, accusing Him, etc., devils also tempting Him, and exerting all their
malicious powers against Him; the vindictive wrath of God due to us poured
on Him. Truly, the Prophet Isaiah might well say, "a man of sorrows,
and acquainted with griefs." He found sorrow also even from His
disciples, who forsook Him and fled, "I looked for some to take
pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none";
and this to continue all His days; mocked, spit upon, crowned with thorns,
and nailed to the tree between two thieves. Surely never was sorrow like
unto His; the poet might well say, when speaking of His sufferings
"Who can rightly comprehend, Their beginning and
their end; 'Tis to God, and God alone, That their
weight is fully known. "
Jesus was dishonoured; false witnesses arose against Him; They called
Him a fellow, a deceiver, Beelzebub, gluttonous, winebibber. On the Cross
they reviled Him shook their heads and laughed; crying, "He saved
others, Himself He cannot save; let Him come down from the Cross, and we
will believe Him!" Oh, the dreadful hardness of man's heart!
Bidding defiance to Omnipotence! To their Maker! To Him in whose hand their
breath was! Truly, my reader, you and I have no stone to cast at them; for
we are by nature just the same. How can we read of His sufferings with a
heart like an adamant? I feel it so hard at times that I fear I am like
Goodness and wrath in vain combine, To stir this stupid
heart of mine.
But this was their hour, and the power of darkness.
"A man of sorrows, and acquainted with griefs." But
though our sorrow was not like His; yet, as we are to follow His steps,
we shall have a measure of His sufferings. We shall know something of sorrow
and grief if we belong to Jesus; and, therefore, as soon as His grace is
put in our hearts, we must expect sorrow and grief. Hearing the Word preached,
when it all appears against us, causes sorrow; hence Paul says, "who
are they that make me glad, but they that are made sorry by me."
When the Word cuts us, and we expect it to cut us clean off. Again, a discovery
of our wretched hearts, and the aboundings of iniquity, this will cause
us sorrow and grief all our days. I felt it sorely this very day. Backslidings
in heart from God, causes sorrow; but especially, when openly, as David,
Peter, and the incestuous person, who was put out of the church, and delivered
to Satan; Paul tells them to receive him again, lest he be overwhelmed with
overmuch sorrow (2 Cor. 2:7). Satan's temptations; this cruel world,
with its flatteries and frowns, and everything in it opposing us, in our
following Jesus, both from within and without.
I say all these things cause sorrow, and may all be called the sufferings
of Jesus; because our having grace, makes us feel it; which grace comes
from His fullness. Sorrow arises also, when God takes away a faithful labourer
in His vineyard, or one that has been eminently useful in ministering to
the necessities of the saints; for it is a great loss to the Church of God:
hence Paul, speaking of Epaphroditus, says, "he is my brother and
companion in labour, and fellow soldier, but your messenger, and he that
ministered to my wants: for indeed he was sick, nigh unto death; but God
had mercy on him, and not on him only, but on me also, lest I should have
sorrow upon sorrow." And, as before observed, if so in taking away
such helps in the church, how much more did the disciples feel when our
Lord was taken from them? It is often the case, that God's children,
let their situation in life be whatever it may as to worldly things, have
a bitter ingredient mixed with it. Hagar and her son shall sorely vex Sarah.
Saul shall vex David for years; and Hannah shall be long vexed with Peninah;
so that she is called a woman of a sorrowful spirit. These things are intended
to break the heart; for "by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken";
and when broken, there is work for the Lord Jesus to bind such up. These
things are intended to bring Jesus and us together; He bore our griefs,
and carried our sorrows; and we are to know a little, and it is but little
that we can know of what He felt for us.
Seventhly, There is nothing more staggering to a child of God than this-after
God has delivered his soul, and he enjoys communion and fellowship with
Him, delights in His Word, loves His family, enjoys peace, rest, quietness
- "wisdom's ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths
are peace" - he feels the Spirit's witness, the sentence of
justification, can claim God as his Father, feels joy and peace in believing,
and expects he is going to die and be with Jesus-for his soul is filled
with the consolations of God's Spirit-I say, for the scene to change-all
the evils of his nature to rise up, to feel everything quite opposite, no
access to God, no delight in His Word, cold to His family, confusion and
bitterness instead of peace, rest and quietness, he feels condemned instead
of the Spirit's witness, cannot believe that God is his Father, but
fears he has been presumptuous in claiming Him, and fears he shall die and
go to hell, instead of being with Jesus. Is it possible? Say you. Yes; really
it is! And I am a living witness of what I am writing; for I was once so
happy, at such a point, that I really would willingly and cheerfully gone
into any fire literally, and been burnt to death, for the love I then felt
to the Lord Jesus; yes, with as much pleasure as I would when very hungry
sit down to eat; and since that I have been so sorely tried and tempted
again and again, that I have expected to be consumed by the wrath of God,
would fain flee out of His hand, have trembled at His majesty, and been
afraid some judgment would overtake me; dreaded to go to bed, expecting
to go to hell after all. Oh the dreadful sinkings of soul, and the expectations
of wrath, the hopeless state and alarming feelings I can never describe!
And after all this, got back to my former standing; then sunk as low again,
and then come out again.
Say you, all this appears very strange! Yes, it does, and so says the
Apostle Peter, "beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery
trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you;
but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that
when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy"
(1 Pet. 4:12-13). These are called the sufferings of Christ; and so they
are if you take particular notice; hence you find that when He was baptized
by John at the river Jordan, that "the heavens were opened unto
Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon
Him; and lo, a voice from heaven, saying, this is My beloved Son, in whom
I am well pleased" (Matt. 3:16-17). "Then was Jesus led
up of the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil"
(Matt. 4:1). Now compare this with our experience, as recorded in 1 Peter
1:6-7 he is speaking of the saints' inheritance, and says, "wherein
ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness
through manifold temptations, that the trial of your faith being much more
precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, may
be found unto praise, and honour, and glory, at the appearing of Jesus Christ."
Thus you see, it is not only given in our behalf to believe but also to
suffer for His name sake. I never suffered so under temptation, as I do
in writing this little book; the Lord only knows whether I shall be able
to finish it: my path is a very painful path, I assure you.
Eighthly, God the Father hid His face from His dear Son; and so He does
from us. Therefore, the Lord Jesus cries out, "My God, My God, why
hast Thou forsaken Me?" And, indeed, this is the heaviest cross
and the greatest sufferings we can have: all others when compared to this
are light; but it is a truth, and we shall experience it; hence the Prophet
Isaiah says, "verily, Thou art a God that hideth Thyself, O God
of Israel! The Saviour!" To this Job agrees, saying, "when
He hideth His face, who can behold Him?" etc. There is not an enemy
we have got, but will show themselves when the Lord hides His face. I have
been surrounded with enemies, troubles, and afflictions; but when the Lord
has appeared, I have wondered at the change. Death is a formidable enemy;
but when the Lord appears, then says David, "though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with
me," etc. See also with what fortitude he approached Goliath of
Gath. Every corruption also of the heart appears gone for that time, when
we enjoy His presence; but let Him withdraw, and a dismal gloom appears
in everything we put our hand to. But this is a comfort, He will never finally
go away; it is for the trial of faith that He goes, or else because we have
backslidden from Him: and when we have been well humbled and brought low,
that we may know our dreadful loss, and confess our abominations, He then
comes again, and lets us know that His love to us is without variableness,
or the shadow of a turning.
Now, then, look at the complaints of Bible saints, and look as narrowly
at your own, let them be as extensive as ever they may, and this one thing
will answer them all. What? Why, the light of the Lord's countenance!
And if you are a quickened soul, and the Lord grants you your desire in
letting you have everything you want, except this, you would be wretched
and miserable. If you deny this, your soul is in a very backsliding state
indeed, and you are gone far from God, and that is the truth. Paul tells
us, that he took "pleasure in reproaches, necessities, distresses;
yea, he gloried in his infirmities," etc. What was the cause? Why,
the power of Christ resting on him. "I can do all things through
Christ which strengtheneth me; for when I am weak, then am I strong."
And the more God favours you with His presence the greater will your
trials and sufferings be; for none feel themselves so weak as those do that
enjoy a good share of His presence; see David running from Absalom his son.
Therefore this is no small part of the sufferings of Christ which abound
in us; see poor Job, "O that I knew where I might find Him,"
etc. Job knew that all would be right if he found Him, and he went forward,
backward, on the left hand, and on the right, but did not succeed. The church
also in the Song, "by night on my bed I sought Him whom my soul
loveth; I sought Him, but I found Him not."
Yes, reader, if your heart and soul is set upon Him, you will find it
very hard indeed to get at Him, as the poor woman did for the press; and
as hard to retain Him. The poor disciples found this going to Emmaus, and
dreadful complaints there was till He discovered Himself; but shortly after
this He was gone. However, when we leave this world we shall enjoy His presence
forever and ever, without a cloud; but this is to be a suffering path.
Ninthly, Jesus Christ certainly was chastened for our sins; hence the
Prophet Isaiah says, "the chastisement of our peace (or that
procured our peace), was upon Him," as it reads in the margin.
Jesus Christ was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners; but
as He undertook our cause, He stood in our Law place; and therefore, by
imputation, was the greatest sinner (with reverence be it spoken) that ever
lived; but none of His own. The devils owned and confessed Him to be the
Holy One of God; and Jesus said to the Pharisees, "which of you
convinceth Me of sin?" Pilate and his wife owned He was a just
person; and so did the thief on the cross. Nevertheless, as He became surety
for His people - "He that becomes surety must smart for it"
- now comes on chastisements - the rod of God is laid upon Him-"smite
the Shepherd" "it pleased the Lord to bruise Him."
He saw affliction by the rod of God's wrath, and it was poured forth
on Him to the uttermost. God the Father spared not His own Son - His heart
was melted like wax - He trod the winepress alone, the fierceness and wrath
of Almighty God. The wicked are a rod in God's hand; they afflicted
Him all His days cruelly - at Pilate's bar He did not answer in His
own defence, for He was responsible for us - stood guilty by imputation,
and no other way; hence He says, "the cup which My Father hath given
Me shall I not drink it." He did drink it up. This is but a faint
resemblance of His chastisement; neither can I, by any means, do the text
justice. Paul says, "He was made sin-became a curse"; so
that standing under the Law in our room and stead, we are sure His chastisement
must have been very great; for it is "by His stripes we are healed."
Now as it respects chastisement, we are to have a measure of this; we
are to drink of the cup that He drank of. Not that Jesus left anything undone;
no, He finished the work; but this is the only way for us to have fellowship
with Him in His sufferings. In this way we are brought to know a little
of what He went through, neither could we know it any other way; but then,
as the thief on the cross confessed to his fellow thief, "we indeed
justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this (God)
Man hath done nothing amiss."
Now God chastens us out of His Law; in which we learn sooner or later
six things.
- We learn that we are sinners; "by the Law is the knowledge
of sin"; and God visits sin with a rod, and iniquity with scourges:
but the Law of itself will not do; the Spirit of God quickens the sinner,
and applies the Law.
- We learn that this Law is spiritual; which no man living believes
in his heart without an application, nor ever will, but God's elect.
But we tremble knowing the extent of it, and that we are quite opposite
to it; for it calls for love to God and love to our neighbour, and we
feel enmity to God, hateful and hating one another. This is really our
true character.
- We learn the righteousness and holiness of God in His Holy Law,
and that it is a revelation of the wrath of God. Terror, horror, bondage,
and slavish fear is felt, and we expect to be consumed; we should be
glad if we never had been born, or that we could die like beasts; for
nothing but destruction appears in view.
- We learn the insufficiency of all sound notions of truth, all formal
and outside religion, and can take to ourselves the threatening parts
of God's Word, passages that really belong to hypocrites; everything
that a man has, either natural or acquired, gives way in these storms,
and if he has nothing more, he is sure to fall away when the trial comes.
- We learn that this is our trial for eternity; that everyone, in
a greater or lesser degree, must go through this; for "judgment
must begin at the house of God"; and they that have it here
will not be judged in the great day; no. Christ will say to them, "come,
ye blessed," etc.
- This is exactly agreeable to the experience of Bible saints; and
we learn that it is so, and great satisfaction it is to us when the
trial is over; hence it is called being lost, ready to perish, foreseeing
the evil, and hiding ourselves in Christ the hiding place, being delivered
from going down to the pit, a brand plucked out of the fire; and in
our deepest trouble there is a cry in the heart by the Good Spirit for
mercy, "they shall come after Him in chains," etc. "Out
of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord." Now I will not
say that all God's children begin in this way; but they will find
it out, sooner or later, just as God pleases, in a greater or lesser
This then is chastisement: and various other things sometimes are connected
with it, as cross trying providences, family and bodily afflictions, cross,
unruly, and disobedient children; debts of long standing, which have been
contracted to keep the family from starving; cruel oppression from this
world; everyone taking advantage; bitterness of soul in all a man undertakes,
for God frowns on him, and walks contrary to Him on account of sin; cutting
reproof and rebuke under the Word, in reading it or with God's saints,
so that our life is a burden; dreadful temptations to despair, and to give
up all for lost; accusations from Satan, conscience, and the world; every
day we get over appears a miracle; and really we expect the execution of
the sentence, "in the morning would God it were evening, and in
the evening would God it were morning"; for we have no assurance
of our life, it hangs in doubt. And let it be observed, that whatever real
comforts such may have had before the chastisement took place, nothing of
that is any antidote in the least to help us-no, but the contrariwise; for
under this teaching, and while learning these lessons, all that we had before
appears presumption, and that we were deceived; so that it does not ward
off one blow. Jesus Christ is hid from us, and nothing appears but our sins,
and God a consuming fire, that never will forget any of our works; this
is called by Peter judgment beginning at the house of God; and if you read
on, he calls it suffering according to the will of God.
Now as none can know this chastisement but sons, and as the rod of God
is not upon the wicked, it is evident that these are the sufferings of Christ. "For
as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolations abound by
Christ." From what has been said, you and I may learn that it is
no trifling thing to profess the Gospel. Indeed, my dear reader, we may
be called to part with all for Jesus; so that, however we may deceive men,
God we cannot deceive; for there is no place, nor shadow of death, where
the workers of iniquity may hide themselves. So that we do well to look
to these things; hence Paul says, "examine yourselves whether you
be in the faith," etc.
Having therefore treated a little about the sufferings of Christ take
notice, that they abound in us; so that you will have your measure of these
things until death; "for by these things men live"; therefore,
it is Satan that suggests to you that you are a hypocrite because you get
in these sufferings again. I tell you with truth that you cannot go on aright
without them.
- I will now, as the Lord shall assist, come to the second part of
our text; and that is, to treat of these consolations, and that they
also abound by Christ. Consolation appears to me to be the foundation
of all comfort; as for instance, a man may tell you of many troubles
that he has; but still, says he, I hope and expect help from this and
that friend, and that is a consolation; but when he gets the help, this
comforts him much. Now as this consolation is everlasting, according
to Paul, attended with a good hope through grace, it must have a firm
basis. And depend on it, the basis of this consolation, or the consolation
itself, is God's eternal election and choice of us in Christ Jesus:
hence the Saviour told His disciples, "rejoice not because the
spirits are subject unto you, but rather rejoice because your names
are written in heaven." So that the more we are led to discover
our election, the more our consolations abound by Christ; for He is
the first elect, and we were chosen in Him, "according as He hath
chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world."
- Again, another consolation is this-the oath of God. "God
hath sworn by His holiness that He will not lie unto David, his seed
will I make to endure forever." Is not this great consolation
to us at certain times; surely it is. "For as I have sworn that
the waters of Noah shall no more go over the earth, so have I sworn
that I will not be wroth (in a vindictive way) with thee, nor
rebuke thee; the mountains shall depart, and the hills shall be removed;
but My kindness shall not depart from thee, nor the covenant of My peace
be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee."
- The promises of God-unconditional promises. These are a great consolation;
for, let our case and state be whatever it may, there is an unconditional
promise suitable. Various they are; but life is the sum and substance
of them all: hence John says, "this is the promise that He hath
promised us, eternal life"; and this we had in Christ before
the world began, which the Gospel brings to light "life and
immortality are brought to light by the Gospel," and "as
many as were ordained to eternal life believed." Now these
promises are great blessings; great consolations, because so well secured; "for
all the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus, to the glory
of God by us"; and we have "the promise of the life
that now is, and of that which is to come."
- Another consolation is-the faithfulness of God. What should you
and I do, when we get into storms of temptation when our hope is at
so low an ebb as that we expect nothing but sudden destruction - if
God was not faithful, "who will not suffer us to be tempted
above that we are able?" Why, we should go into black despair
and hell at once. Jeremiah said, "his hope was perished from
the Lord"; and Job said, "as for my hope who shall
see it." These men had sunk very low; but as God is faithful,
though He may and does suffer us to sink greatly, yet He will be true
to His promise; "for faithful is He that hath promised, who
also will do it." And indeed, in these deep sinkings we are
led afterwards to discover all this, which fills our hearts with love
and gratitude to His blessed Majesty for His superabounding love and
grace to us. Yes, and God will visit our sins with a rod, and our iniquities
with scourges; that is true, say you, but this is no consolation: yes,
there are times that I have found even this a consolation; for when
we consider that it is sons that are chastised, for the rod of God is
not upon the wicked, and knowing the dreadful lengths we should run
if the reins were upon our own neck, these things rightly considered
with concern for God's honour, are so sanctified, that we accept
the punishment of our iniquity, choose affliction for that time, and
say with David, "I know that Thy judgments are right, and that
in faithfulness Thou hast afflicted me." Thus God is faithful in
preserving us under temptation-in fulfilling His promises to us-and
in visiting our sins with a rod-and there is great consolation, at times,
in believing that God is a faithful God.
- Our God is unchangeable. This is another part of our consolation.
God's family get so entangled at times in various things, through
the sin of their nature, sins against light and love, that they feel
themselves exposed to wrath and ruin. This procures a heavy furnace
work; and the furnace is so hot, that it appears to them as if it would
burn them up altogether; but God says, "when thou walkest through
the fire, thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon
thee." And what is the cause we are not burnt up? Why, He says, "I
am God, and change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."
Jeremiah, he well understood the longsuffering mercy of God, and says, "it
is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions
fail not." God wills many changes in us for wise ends, but
He never changes in His purposes of grace towards us, "for His
gifts and calling are without repentance"; He is "without
variableness or the shadow of a turning"; and has declared
that He will be true to David and his seed. The Psalmist was sweetly
led into this, when he finishes a whole Psalm with "His mercy
endureth forever." This is a very great consolation indeed.
- The wisdom of God. This is another consolation to us. He is infinitely
wise, and never can in the least be frustrated in His designs; so that
though we are so blind that to save our souls we cannot tell how (certain
difficulties which we get into) we shall get out, whether they are in
soul or in circumstances, yet the Lord knows, and is not at a loss to
bring everything to work for our good, and His own glory; His way is
in the sea, and His path in the mighty waters, and His footsteps are
not known; but though we may in this walk in the dark, as to any way
we know of, yet when the heart is fixed, and the mind stayed on Him
- I declare if I have not been so pleased, believing that the Lord knew
well how to bring things about, as I cannot describe. His wisdom often
appears in working in a way contrary to fleshly reason. Who would ever
have thought that Satan had not gained the point, when he caused Christ,
and worked in his agents, to put Him to death? Whereas, through death
He destroyed him that had the power of death outshot the devil in his
own bow, and took the wise in their own craftiness; carrying the counsel
of the froward headlong. How wonderfully God worked with respect to
the preservation of all the Jews, when Haman concluded their destruction,
as you read in the Book of Esther; yes, and that Haman should be hung
on the very gallows he had erected for Mordecai! Thus they fall into
the pit which they are unwearied in digging for others. This is great
- God's covenant. I mean the new covenant; this is a great consolation:
for though everything at times to us appears to be in confusion, yet
God's covenant stands fast with Christ-confirmed by His oath, and
ratified also and established by the death of our Lord Jesus Christ-ordered
in all things and sure. A covenant of mercy, which regenerates us -
a covenant of life, which quickens us-a covenant of grace, which pardons
us - a covenant of peace, which reigns in our hearts-and a covenant
of wedlock to unite us to the Lord Jesus. Surely when we feel this,
regeneration, life, pardon, peace, and a union to Jesus-this covenant,
from which it all flows, is a great consolation. Is it not? David found
it so; and therefore says, "He hath made with me an everlasting
covenant, this is all my salvation and all my desire"; and
for this reason, the language of it being "I will"
and "you shall." "I will be their God, and
they shall be My people," without any regard to worth or worthiness
in them. O this endears the Almighty to us. This is the new covenant,
and much consolation it affords. Now all these consolations abound by
Christ; for take Him away, and all these seven things fall to the ground.
- The power of God. This is great consolation. O how it has rejoiced
my soul to think that though Satan's power is so great, yet nothing
compared with God's power; for He is almighty-above all. And how
high is our nature exalted, insomuch that God the Son in our nature
has all these devils at His beck; they are nothing to Him; He curbs
them, and forces these proud spirits to truckle to; "we know Thee
(say they) who Thou art, the Holy One of God": and He has promised
to give us power to tread on serpents, scorpions, and over all the power
of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt us. Which power we
have by virtue of union with Him; and therefore Paul says, "strong
in the Lord, and in the power of His might." And seeing this
is the case, what can hurt or harm those which are followers of that
which is good? Why nothing possibly can. Strength equal to our day we
shall be sure to have, let unbelief say what it will: and though we
may conclude that we never can endure to the end under some trials,
yet our unbelief shall not make the promise of God of none effect, for "we
are kept by the mighty power of God, through faith unto salvation."
When the young man, the servant of the Prophet, was terrified at the
army that was coming against them, he said, "alas! My master!
What shall we do?" And the Prophet said, fear them not, and
he prayed to the Lord to open his eyes; and when his eyes were opened,
he saw the mountains full of chariots of fire and horses of fire. See
what a display of power was put forth to guard one vessel of mercy;
and Christ says, "see that ye do not offend one of these little
ones that believe in Me; for verily I say unto you, that their angel
doth always behold the face of My Father which is in heaven." "He
shall feed His flock like a shepherd, and gather the lambs with His
arms; carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those that are with young."
- The love of God in Christ Jesus. This is great consolation. I know
very well that it is hard work to believe that God the Father loves
us; but it is a glorious truth; and at times we are led to rejoice in
it; for when matters are all clear in conscience, there is a witness
felt-peace enjoyed, and no slavish fear-and the Good Spirit sheds abroad
this love in the heart. And when this work is done again and again,
though we may not be very comfortable as formerly, yet (except under
peculiar trials) there is a remembrance, at times, of what we have felt,
and that God certainly loves us, which is a great consolation to the
soul. "The Father Himself loveth you, because ye have loved
Me"; and John says, "we have believed the love that
God hath towards us." Paul also says, "that nothing
shall separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our
Lord." Every now and then, after sore conflicts, when the soul
is lifted up above its troubles, and enabled to believe that God loves
him-that many waters cannot quench the love he then feels - that a threefold
cord is not quickly broken - O how this fortifies the soul! And he goeth
forth like a giant refreshed with new wine.
- The pity and compassion of God. "Like as a father pitieth
his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him." See
Ephraim after he had gone on frowardly in the way of his own heart,
God says, "I have seen his ways; I will heal him, I will lead
him also, and restore comfort unto him and to his mourners."
And have you not, reader, often provoked the Lord, and expected some
sore visitation, but He has met you in pity and compassion; melted you
down in the dust under a discovery of your just deserts; and still that
He is slow to anger and is of great kindness. "Is Ephraim My
dear son, is he a pleasant child? For since I spake against him, I do
earnestly remember him still; I will surely have mercy on him; My bowels
are turned, My repentings are kindled." What language is this
for the Almighty! This produces real repentance; and depend upon it,
that if the Lord did not look upon us first; I mean all our journey
through, we never should in heart turn to Him; such is the desperate
hardness of our hearts. It was after Ephraim was turned, that He repented;
a soft word breaks the bone, and then down we go in the dust before
the Lord; all of which are the blessed effects of His pity and compassion.
But nothing of this can ever come to us, but in and through the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Having showed ten things in which the perfections of God are all engaged
towards the family of God, and which is great consolation to them, we will
now speak also of some of the office characters of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I believe that God's children are brought into numberless straits and
difficulties in order that they should make use of and prove the Lord Jesus
in all His office characters. This is really the case.
1. Then He is a Prophet; and therefore we shall ever be taught by the
Good Spirit our ignorance all our pilgrimage. I feel it this night in writing;
but if the Lord Jesus is with us, He teaches us, as He did the disciples
going to Emmaus, "then opened He their understanding to understand
the Scriptures, and expounded to them," etc. And the disciples
often asked Him the meaning of this and that parable, and He always told
them; but you and I have so much wisdom, that we sit down to read as if
we knew everything; and we wonder how it is that we are forced to read a
page over and over, and then shut up the book, I say, it is often our proud
independent spirits; but the best place is where Mary was, she sat at His
feet, and received of His words. I have found this at times in writing,
going at it in this self-sufficient way, and shortly forced to leave off,
barren enough. James says, "if any man lack wisdom, let him ask
of God"; say you, I do, and do not succeed. I answer, you do not
lack it. It is not so easy as you may think. I am sure if you lacked it,
God would be true to His Word; for He giveth to all men (that are fools,
and feel it) liberally, and upbraideth not"; hence Paul says, "if
any man will be wise, let him become a fool." Such need the Lord
Jesus as a Prophet to teach them, and this is to them great consolation.
2. Another of His characters is that of a Priest. Now as a priest was
to offer sacrifices under the Law, so our Lord Jesus offered up Himself,
body and soul, a sacrifice to God for us; and we shall need Him in His office
character as a Priest all our journey through; He has made an atonement
for our sins, and His blood cleanseth from all sin. Now if you feel as I
do, I need daily a manifestation of this to my conscience; for I feel sin
in all I do, and His blood alone, the blood of this High Priest is to cleanse
us; so that we cannot go on without Him here; and we are told to consider
Him, "wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling,
consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession." But what
are we to consider? Why, that He can be touched with the feeling of our
infirmities; "for He was tempted in all points like unto us, yet
without sin"; so that He can succour the tempted-Himself took our
infirmities, and bare our sickness; and we are to consider that as it was
under the Law, when the leper came before the priest, all over in one mass
of corruption, the high priest was to pronounce such clean; so it is with
the sinner that is led to Jesus all over sin and guilt, like the publican
or Mary Magdalene, He pronounces such clean, "now ye are clean through
the Word that I have spoken unto you; abide in Me." But here lays the
difference with the high priest under the Law, it was a ceremonial cleansing,
and only went to outward things; but our High Priest is pleased to cleanse
the conscience, "how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through
the Eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience
from dead works to serve the living God." Lastly, consider that
His blood cleanseth (in the present tense), it is not to cleanse us at first
only, but to keep us clean; and if you feel as I do, I need it every day;
for the dreadful corruptions of my heart work continually, and often make
me feel as Paul did, when he cried out, "O wretched man that I am!"
And again, "bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which
is in my members." Oh this corrupt nature! But he says, "I
thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord"; for "there is
a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
for sin and for uncleanness" (Zech. 13:1). Thus considering the
Lord Jesus as our High Priest, is great consolation at times.
3. He is our King. He is King over all devils-King over all nations in
the world-King of kings and Lord of lords-King of Zion-and King of glory
in the highest heavens. Then He is King of Zion, and requires service in
newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter-that we take up
our cross, and daily follow Him-worship Him, love Him, obey His Laws-truth,
faith, liberty, and love-rejecting all other lovers; "if any man
serve Me, him will My Father honour." And this is our consolation,
that He has all power in heaven and on earth; consequently, He will preserve
and keep us till at last He will bring us home to Himself, "for
He hath made us kings and priests unto God, and we shall reign forever and
ever." "For the saints of the Most High shall take the
kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever and ever." O that He may
sway His sceptre in our hearts, and reign to the eternal destruction of
Satan, sin, and death! "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; for
behold thy King cometh; He is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding
upon an ass, and upon a colt, the foal of an ass" (Zech. 9:9).
Thus, then if He is our Prophet, we shall feel our ignorance continually,
and apply to Him. As a Priest, we need His blood continually to cleanse
us. And as a King, we shall feel our need of Him to subdue our corruptions;
and to destroy Satan's power again and again, as we go on in the divine
life, in all its branches.
4. He is our Surety. Here He stood in our Law place, was made under the
Law, responsible for us; He took the whole debt upon Himself that we had
contracted. Sins are called debts; hence we are told to pray, "forgive
us our debts"; He discharged the whole in His active and passive
obedience-obeyed every command God gave, and said, "I have finished
the work which Thou gavest Me to do." After this He suffered on
the Cross, and with His dying breath said, "it is finished!"
The first was active, and the last passive, so that He finished both; but
though you may have seen Him by faith as your Surety, and rejoiced in Him,
yet all the time you have an old man in you - devils to tempt you - and
a wicked world to encounter with, which will be till death. You will need
this view of Him again and again continually; for you never can rest in
any attainments; and thus you and I will be terribly harassed by Satan whether
or not that He is our Surety. Sin is such a powerful thing that it will
worry and torment you; but when by faith you can believe that He cancelled
your debt, this and nothing short of it can fully satisfy you-at least it
does for me. "He that becomes a surety must smart for it";
and Jesus did smart. "It pleased the Lord to bruise Him."
He is the Surety of the better testament, and that is the new covenant.
David in one place says, "enter not into judgment with Thy servant,"
etc., and in another, "be surety for Thy servant for good."
O what consolation is this to those that know the powerful workings of sin,
Satan, and death.
5. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Advocate. An advocate is to silence all
accusers; and now suppose that you was in a pardoned and justified state,
so as at once to be set out of the reach of all accusers never to trouble
you more, of what use would this covenant character of the Lord Jesus be
to you, and how could you live upon Him as your Advocate. Yes, say you,
He did this for me thirty years ago; yes, but I need Him as my Advocate
continually; for I feel my enemies are not annihilated; as the poet says
'If Thou, celestial Dove! Thine influence withdraw;
What easy victims soon we fall-to conscience, wrath, and Law. "
So I find it, for as fast as we slacken to the Lord Jesus, our enemies
are treading close upon our heels. It is true, I never expected it was such
a path; but I find it is; yes, and the only way too, to live upon the Lord
Jesus Christ. But young believers have no idea of this. Satan is called
the accuser of the brethren, which accuseth them before God day and night.
Moses is an accuser in his Law, "you have one that accuseth you,
even Moses, in whom ye trust." The world and conscience will accuse
us; hence John speaks of our hearts condemning us. But what will silence
all these accusers, for we shall feel them all at times. I answer, with
John, "that if any man sin (through weakness and temptation, but
not presumptuously), we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the
righteous; and He is the propitiation for our sins"; and sooner
or later we shall feel the blessed Spirit's witness within, which will
bear witness with our spirits, that we are the children of God. You may
see this very clear in the woman that they brought to Christ; say they,
she was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the Law commanded
that such should be stoned; but what sayest Thou? He appeared at first to
take no notice; but afterwards He appeared as her Advocate; and said, "let
him that is without fault cast the first stone at her"; and then
set their consciences at work, and they went out, and the woman was left
alone. Then said Jesus, "woman, where are thine accusers-hath no
man condemned thee? She says, no man, Lord! Neither do I condemn thee; go,
and sin no more." Thus she found the Lord Jesus to be her Advocate!
And He silenced every accuser she had; but you and I shall feel these accusers
more or less all out days, in order that we may prove the Lord Jesus as
our Advocate, which is great consolation.
6. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Mediator. Did you never feel deeply impressed
with the Divine perfections of God? Such as His righteousness, justice,
holiness, immutability, and terrible majesty which has so laid open all
your ways, works, and actions; insomuch that you have expected nothing but
to be consumed. Now what would have become of you, do you think, if the
Lord Jesus was not your Mediator? Surely the sentence would have been fully
executed upon you. This you may clearly see in the Book of Exodus, when
God gave the Law to the children of Israel; they came to blackness, darkness,
tempests, the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; and so terrible
was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake; and if a beast
touched the mountain it was to be stoned or thrust through with a dart.
Now this so terrified them that they said to Moses, "do thou speak
unto us, and let not God speak unto us, lest we die." Moses you
know, was a mediator, and stood in the gap, as a type of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Now, God approved of what they said of Moses speaking to them, and
said, they have well spoken: and we find after all this that they would
have been consumed again and again, had not Moses stood in the gap. And
how often have you and I been terrified again and again at the sight of
the terrible majesty of God, when fresh contracted guilt and sin have been
discovered; truth we have expected sudden destruction; yes, say you, but
after this I have felt all clear and all straight, peace has been enjoyed,
rest and quietness; and do you know the cause? It is the Lord Jesus standing
in the gap; He has made up the breach and all this is to let you know the
real worth of Him as your Mediator; hence Paul says, "there is one
God and one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus."
So that you need not wonder if you have these terrible feelings and sinkings
of soul again and again; for it is to keep you sensible what a heinous thing
sin is, and that you may highly prize the Lord Jesus Christ in His office
character as your Mediator. Is not this then a very great consolation indeed;
truly it is. I have travelled this path myself.
7. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Intercessor. This is another of His office
characters. Now this takes in the whole work finished upon the Cross in
a peculiar way; for when the work was completed, He arose from the dead
and ascended up to glory-seated at the right hand of the Father, as our
living Intercessor. "Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that
died; yea, rather that is risen again; who also maketh intercession for
us." Not that I understand in the least that the Lord Jesus stands
in glory praying to His Father to have mercy upon us; no, but He stands
or sits in glory as our living Intercessor; the work He has completed is
ever in view-plainly seen; and the Father looks upon us through Him, He
being our Intercessor. It is in and through Him that all our confessions
for sin, petitions for mercy, and thanksgivings for favours received go
up to God the Father with all our praises, blessings, and adoration in every
branch of real worship; and it is in and through Him that all pardon, peace,
justification, with every blessing of the everlasting covenant, comes down
in the richest enjoyment into our souls. Take away the Lord Jesus, and nothing
of this can go on. "He ever liveth to make intercession for us";
so that no sin that is mixed with our holy things can go up to God the Father,
because everything must go up through Him. Did you never take notice in
the Revelation of John of these words? "And another angel came and
stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him
much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon
the golden altar which was before the throne; and the smoke of the incense
which was with the prayers of the saints ascended up before God, out of
the angel's hand." Now it appears to me, that these prayers
were put up against the enemies of these saints, and the answer came as
you read in the next verse; "for the angel took the censer and filled
it with the fire of the altar and cast it into the earth, and there were
voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake" (Rev.
8:3-5). Take notice of the golden altar, for it is the Godhead of our Lord
Jesus; had He not been God over all, He never could have engaged in such
a great work; and had He not have been man, He never could have suffered;
this was the altar that sanctified the gift, which was His human nature,
body, and soul, and it is only in and through Him (as before observed) that
prayers, etc., goes up to the Father. Now is not this a great consolation;
and is not our text true, that our consolations abound by Christ.
8. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Counsellor; hence the Prophet Isaiah
tells us, that "His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace."
He may well be called the Wonderful Counsellor, being infinite in wisdom,
knowledge, and understanding; yea, He is wisdom itself-knowledge itself-and
understanding also; so that all wise counsel comes from Him, whether natural
or spiritual, as the fountain head, and all (whether they know it or not)
are entirely indebted to Him; "it is He that leadeth counsellors
away spoiled, and maketh the judges fools"; and though men acting
under Satan's influence may take crafty counsel against God's hidden
ones, yet the prayer of faith to this Wonderful Counsellor will upset the
whole; hence David prays, "O Lord! Turn the counsel of Ahithophel
into foolishness"; and He answered David's prayer, so that
this wise counsellor was rejected, and went and hanged himself. Kings in
former days used to have seven counsellors, as recorded in the Book of Ezra;
and they lived in desolate places Job tells us; I suppose to be as much
as possible alone, to accumulate all the wisdom they could. But what is
all this compared with this Wonderful Counsellor, seeing it is He, as before
observed, that supplies them all, either as the God of nature, or as the
God of grace. And these kings always called in their counsellors, and advised
with them; for as Solomon says, "in the multitude of counsellors
there is safety." And what should you and I do, Christian reader,
if we had not such a Counsellor to go to-our enemies are wise. You read
of the wisdom of the world, the wisdom of the serpent or the devil, and
the wisdom of the flesh-all of which is put in force against Christ and
the Church; but though these have laboured hard now for near six thousand
years, yet to this day their labour has been all in vain against the Lord
Jesus and His family, for He is the Wonderful Counsellor; "take
counsel, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand,
for God is with us." This is the Mighty God, the Wonderful Counsellor!
And what is His counsel to you and me, for we do well to attend to it, seeing
that all other is of little worth; then He says many things. I will attend
at present to a few that will comprise the whole.
1st, Then "search the Scriptures, for they testify of Me."
Then this takes in all His revealed will; and "wherewithal shall
a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto, according to Thy Word."
But then the Word alone is insufficient; and therefore He has promised that
His Spirit shall guide us into all truth; and there is no difficulty in
providence - no knotty experience - no violent attack from Satan - no fiery
trial, however strange it appears to us - no cruel, cunning, crafty enemy
that we may have, but what we may overcome by simple prayer to this Wonderful
Counsellor, and consulting His Word in obedience to Him, who, as before
observed, tells us to search the Scriptures. David, a man after God's
heart, went this way to work: hence he says, "Thy testimonies have
I taken to be my delight and my counsellors"; read carefully the
19th Psalm, and many other parts of the Psalms; this 119th also that I have
quoted is full of it. This is the best way in all difficulties; better than
running to this and that friend for advice, "trust ye not in a friend";
and though the answer may be delayed, yet "though the vision tarry,
wait for it; for in due time it will speak and will not lie - the just shall
live by faith - and they shall not be ashamed that wait for Him."
Mordecai went to this Counsellor, and succeeded, as you read in the Book
of Esther, against all the cunning and craft of wicked Haman. Daniel and
his three friends went in opposition to all the wise men and astrologers;
and desired mercies of the God of heaven, concerning this secret.
Now there are three things that this Wonderful Counsellor advises to,
and they are of the greatest importance; for if you and I never are led
by His Spirit to take the counsel He here gives, we shall perish to all
eternity. You will find it in the Revelation of John 3:18, it is this Counsellor
that is there speaking, "I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried
in the fire that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment that thou mayest
be clothed, that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear, and anoint thine
eyes with eye-salve that thou mayest see." Now let us see what
is here meant, and the state of those that reject the counsel of God against
themselves; then observe, the gold is faith, but all faith is not saving
faith, it must be bought of Christ, and the price is parting with everything
belonging to the flesh, that He calls for, and that makes it a tried faith;
hence Peter says, "that the trial of your faith being much more
precious than gold that perisheth," etc. But, say you, is this
buying it the real value of it? By no means; no-in this sense it is a free
gift, no price can be put on it, "faith is the gift of God."
But you cannot have it, and hold this world too; and is this saving? Yes, "he
that believeth shall be saved"; but on the contrary, "he
that believeth not shall be damned." Again, "white raiment
that thou mayest be clothed"; what is that? I answer-the perfect,
spotless righteousness of this Wonderful Counsellor imputed to us; hence
you read "the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made
herself ready; and to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine
linen clean and white, for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints"
(Rev. 19:7-8). "Friend, how camest thou in hither, not having on
a wedding garment? And he was speechless"; then Christ ordered
them to "bind him hand and foot, and cast him into outer darkness,
there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." "If so be
that being clothed, we shall not be found naked"; but "hell
is naked before Him, and destruction has no covering." Lastly, "and
anoint thine eyes with eye-salve, that thou mayest see"; this is
the unction of God's Spirit, and without it we can neither see nor feel
our need of these blessings that the Lord Jesus counsels us to buy; hence
John says, "ye have an unction from the Holy One"; that
is, this Counsellor - the devils confessed that He was the Holy One of God
- and says John, "Ye know all things"; that is, all things
that are essential to salvation; but "if any man have not the Spirit
of Christ, he is none of His"; then he must belong to the devil,
for there are but two seeds in all the world. Now is not this a great consolation
to have a Wonderful Counsellor to go to at all times and upon all occasions?
Truly it is, beyond all expression!
9. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Reconciler, or Reconciliation. This is
another of His office characters. When Adam came out of his Maker's
hands, we are told that he was upright, "God made man upright";
and what is an upright man? The same penman tells us; hence he says, "the
upright love Thee." How long he stood is not for us to determine,
but it appears to have been but a short time; for as we read in Psalm 49:12: "Man
being in honour abideth not," etc. Now then Satan threw him down
and all us in him, and this love went from him, and a principle of enmity
was fixed in his nature when fallen, so that everyone ever after that proceedeth
from this corrupt fountain, they all come into this world haters of God
to a man, elect and reprobate; but God the Father having before the fall
loved the elect with everlasting love, preserved them from the dreadful
consequences of it, and does preserve them; hence Jude says, "preserved
in Jesus Christ," etc. But how is God and them to come together? "For
the carnal mind of them all (and they have nothing else by nature) is enmity
against Him?" Why, here steps forth the Lord Jesus Christ as our
Reconciler, "to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the
(elect) world to Himself"; and again, "when we were
enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son" (Rom.
5:10). Thus, by His death, He removed every obstacle out of our way, in
that He satisfied Divine justice, and magnified the Holy Law; so that "mercy
and truth met together, righteousness and peace kissed each other"
in Him, and perfect reconciliation took place. But all this may be well
understood in the letter of the Word; and many there are that can talk much
about the fall of man; but God's family go further than this, for they
are brought to feel this more or less, that they may be taught experimentally
that they are enemies. This teaching by the Good Spirit terrifies them;
for though some of God's family have perhaps professed the truth of
this for years, yet when they come to feel it, it is quite a different thing.
But who can truly know the real worth of the Lord Jesus as a Reconciler,
but those that feel the enmity of their hearts-and this enmity is not slain;
for let the Lord favour you and me ever so much, so that we feel a strong
love to Him and to His family, His truth and His ways; yes, and walk sometime
in the sweet enjoyment of this love, and conclude with Job, that we "shall
die in our nest"; yet if He hides His face and lays on the rod,
and it comes heavier and heavier still, let Satan loose upon us, and cross
us in all our pursuits - we sometimes feel the enmity of our hearts as strong,
if not stronger than ever; and if you say no, I say you differ greatly from
me, and also from Bible saints; see Jonah, Jeremiah, Moses, and others.
I know that Mr. Huntington now in glory, used to say it was slain, but he
only meant subdued; for if he was alive he would not contradict what I have
asserted; besides if it really was slain and an end to it, whence arises
these feelings which they find in a peculiar way that go into deep waters,
and have to bear the burden and heat of the day. And why, say you, are we
suffered to feel so much of this after we have felt reconciliation? I answer,
that it is to keep us sensible of our base original, and that we may ever
prize the Lord Jesus Christ all our days as our Reconciler, which if not
kept up this way we should be like Israel of old, upon another occasion,
soon forget His works. No believer of any standing can contradict this,
with truth on his side: then is not this also a great consolation, that
Jesus Christ reconciles us to God; and we feel it so, again and again, when
the trial is over-all appears clear and straight-we justify God in all His
dealings towards us, however adverse-love Him, His family, His truth, and
His ways.
10. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Shepherd. This I shall take up two ways.
1st, Temporally; 2nd, Spiritually.
1. Then let us consider that the Lord Jesus is our Shepherd in a temporal
sense. The allusion is to a shepherd literally feeding his flock; we are
called sheep, and Christ the Good Shepherd. All temporal supplies are under
His management, as you read, "Thou hast put all things under His
feet, all sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field, the fowls of
the air, and the fish of the sea; and whatsoever passeth through the paths
of the seas" (Psa. 8:6-8). Yes, and He says, "for every
beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know
all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.
If I were hungry I would not tell thee: for the world is Mine, and the fullness
thereof" (Psa. 50:10-12). Yes, and the silver and gold are His,
and all hearts are in His hand, and He turns them as He pleases; it is He
that giveth power to get wealth, He maketh poor and rich, He setteth up
one and putteth down another, and "promotion cometh not from the
east nor from the west." Now many of God's children are brought
into great straits, to lead them to watch the hand and handy works of the
Good Shepherd in a temporal sense; and cross upon cross, trial upon trial,
shall come on, to teach them where their temporal supplies come from, even
from this Good Shepherd, who is the Heir of all things. It is true, we may
say that the Lord Jesus provides for all, and we speak the truth; but, alas!
How different is it when we get into these trials, we then cry to Him at
times from the heart to direct our every step in providence, to open a door
for us to get employ, to open the heart of this and that friend that has
got this world's goods; and if He is pleased to appear, we do at times
(when He favours us with a grateful heart, but not else) so bless and thank
Him, that what the world despises (many of them), is cordially and thankfully
received, and we do sincerely pray that the instruments may never know the
want of what the Lord Jesus has disposed their hearts to do. I know what
I am writing about; and such do not go on presumptuously, but very cautiously,
exercised with numberless fears, often and very often concluding that they
are doing wrong in every step they take; though none pray more than such
do to this Good Shepherd to go before them, and not to suffer them to go
too fast or too slow, and this they do in all their movements; for they
know that the bounds of their habitation is fixed-the hairs of their head
numbered-and that when He putteth His own sheep forth He goeth before them,
as He did before the Israelites, feeding them with manna for forty years
together. It was He that sent the ravens with bread and flesh in the morning,
and bread and flesh in the evening to the Prophet, and he drank of the brook;
and when the brook dried up, He commanded him to go to the widow woman.
David declared that he never saw "the righteous forsaken, nor His
seed begging bread." Moses says, "where is there a nation
and where is there a people that hath a God so nigh unto them, as the Lord
our God is to us in all things that we call upon Him for." He sent
out His disciples, without purse or scrip, and told them "that the
workman was worthy of his hire"; and when they came back, He asked
them, if they lacked anything? And they said, "no, Lord! Nothing."
Yes, and we read that this Good Shepherd condescended to cook for them also,
as you may see in the 21st chapter of John, at the sea of Tiberias - "as
soon as they were come to land they saw a fire, and fish laid thereon and
bread; Jesus said unto them, come and dine. Jesus then cometh and taketh
bread, and giveth them and fish likewise" (ver. 9,12,13), and He
is "the same yesterday, today, and forever." This is great
consolation to the poor tried family of God.
But 2nd, The Good Shepherd feeds His flock spiritually. To this agrees
the Prophet Isaiah, "He shall feed His flock like a shepherd, and
gather the lambs in His arms," etc., and He says by the Prophet
Zechariah, "I will feed you, O poor of the flock; and I took to
Me two staves, the one I called Beauty, and the other Bands, and I fed the
Now let us briefly consider some of their food. Then observe, He says
Himself, "I am the bread of life; he that eateth Me, even he shall
live by Me." "My flesh is meat indeed, and My blood drink
indeed; he that eateth My flesh and drinketh My blood, hath everlasting
life," Say you, I long to come to this; and if you ever do feel
an appetite you certainly shall; "blessed are they that hunger and
thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." Now if nothing
under heaven short of these things will satisfy you, you have got life;
and in His own time He will fulfil His own promise, who has said that "He
will abundantly bless Zion's provision, and satisfy her poor with Himself,
the living bread, that came down from heaven"; but you will say
I have waited long, and seem as far off as ever. "Delays (says Boston)
are not denials - His time is the best" - do you watch and wait at
wisdom's gates; and He says, "they shall not be ashamed that
wait for Me." Besides it is His usual way; see how long it was
that Abraham waited for a son, Hannah for a child, David for the throne;
and yet they did not wait in vain.
Now I might mention many things that feed us; but this Good Shepherd
is the sum and substance of everything - He it is that feeds us, and He
is the food - for if we come to Mount Zion, to the feast of fat things full
of marrow and fatness, of wines on the lees well refined - all this is the
Lord Jesus Christ; hence Paul says, "Christ our Passover was sacrificed
for us; therefore let us keep the feast." He was the fatted calf
that fed the prodigal; and if we are fed with knowledge and understanding
- it is life eternal to know Him; and He says, "I am wisdom, I am
Sometimes it is food for the soul to triumph over every enemy, which
at times he does by a living faith "over serpents, scorpions, and
over all the power of the enemy"; as you read, "Thou breakest
the head of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat for the people
inhabiting the wilderness"; but if the Lord Jesus had not by death
destroyed him that had the power of death, we never could have had this
Again, both the Word of promise, and the sweet enjoyment of the promise,
is food to a child of God. "My son, eat thou honey, because it is
good; and the honeycomb which is sweet to thy taste: so shall the knowledge
of wisdom be to thy soul when thou hast found it," etc. (Prov.
24:13-14). Now by the honeycomb, I understand the Word of promise; and by
the honey, the comfort of the promise in the fulfillment of it: but this
Good Shepherd is the whole and sole cause both of the honeycomb and the
honey; for every promise is yea and amen in the Lord Jesus Christ. There
is the honeycomb; and the Church prays to her Beloved to "comfort
her with apples, for she was sick of love"; yes, say you, but apples
are not honey-very true; but I know it was the comfort of the promise that
she wanted, and this only is sweet food. David brings it in as follows, "the
fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are
true and righteous altogether; more to be desired than gold, yea, than much
fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb: moreover, by them
is Thy servant warned, and in keeping them is great reward." And
what can be more sweet to a soul than to know that he has the fear of God;
and to walk in His statutes and judgments to do them; both of which are
promised and both fulfilled in the experience of the saints, as you may
see in Zachariah and Elizabeth, who walked in the commandments and ordinances
of the Lord blameless; so that the Word of promise-the comfort of the promise
(for we are to suck and be satisfied with the breasts of Zion's consolations)-the
fear of the Lord, and walking in His statutes and judgments-are all sweet
food to a child of God, and it all comes from this Good Shepherd. It is
His Word; "My Word is spirit, My Word is life"; and comfort
comes from His Word, bringing life to the soul, "this is my comfort
in my affliction, Thy Word hath quickened me." The affliction will
not terminate in death; "for though Thou hast chastened me sore,
Thou hast not given me over unto death; I shall not die, but live, and declare
the works of God."
The fear and judgment also which arises from the Spirit of Christ, called
the spirit of the fear of the Lord, that was upon Him, tends to holy obedience; "for
let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
Thus this Good Shepherd feeds His flock both spiritually and temporally,
which is great consolation to the soul.
Lastly, The Lord Jesus Christ is the Great Physician; which must of necessity
be taken up the same way-both for soul and body. Now all sickness that comes
on the soul arises from sin, and nothing else; hence you read that in the
heavenly Jerusalem above, "the inhabitants shall not say, I am sick";
but why not? Because the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their
iniquity, but it is His blood that "cleanseth from all sin";
hence David prays, "that Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving
health among all nations"; and Christ says, "I am the way,"
etc. Now you and I will need this Good Physician all our days; for every
day we live, we sin - in thought, word, and deed; so that we need Him continually
to feed us, and continually to heal us, "heal Thou me, and I shall
be healed; for Thou art my praise." "I will (says this
Good Physician), bring it health and cure; and I will cure them, and
reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth."
But He is also the Physician of the body. I know this is not well received
by many, but I know that all others are only tools that He uses. The centurion
that came to our Lord about his servant was heartily of my mind; hence he
says, "I am a man of authority, having soldiers under me; and I
say to this one go, and he goeth; to another come, and he cometh; and to
my servant, do this, and he doeth it; (and as Thou art the Great Physician,
all disorders and diseases, etc., are the same to Thee) speak the word,
and my servant shall be healed." The poor woman after she had spent
all her money upon other physicians, and got worse and worse, then went
and got cured by our Lord. But we are naturally bent to look for help where
it is not to be found, and to reject the only way in which it is. I do not
mean that we are to reject all means-no, but reject trusting in them: for
the Lord often works by means; hence we read "that He made clay
of the spittle (when He spat on the ground), and anointed the man's
eyes." Now what a consolation this is that Jesus takes care of
both soul and body; the numbers of cures that He performed in the days of
His flesh - the palsy, fever, lepers, woman with the bloody issue, child
with convulsion fits or possessed with the devil, mad people, deaf, dumb,
blind; in short, all manner of diseases; and He is "the same yesterday,
today, and forever." These things to us are great consolations
I might greatly enlarge in showing that He is our Guide; for we cannot
go one step aright whether in spiritual or temporal things without Him;
hence He says, "without Me ye can do nothing"; and the
Father declares, "that He shall be a Leader and Commander to the
people"; that He is our Bridegroom, and the Church is His wife
- that He is the Elder Brother - that He is our only true Friend that sticketh
closer than a brother. But I forbear; and now to sum up the whole upon this
head-if He is our Prophet, Priest, King, Surety, Advocate, Mediator, Intercessor,
Rock, Counselor, Reconciler, Physician, Shepherd, Righteousness, Guide,
Bridegroom, Brother, Friend, etc., I say, if He is all these things, and
ten thousand times more, may it not with propriety and truth be said, that
when numbers were waiting, looking out and expecting the coming of the Lord
Jesus Christ, that they were waiting for the consolation of Israel? It really
I will now, in the last place, treat of the consolations of the Good
Spirit of Christ, and show that they also abound by Christ. I believe the
Holy Ghost is a Divine Person in God, coequal and coeternal with God the
Father and God the Son; and I am sure that we are indebted also to this
Divine Person for all the comfort and consolation which flows from God the
Father, through Christ the Mediator, under the sweet anointing unctuous
influence of the Holy Ghost. These are grand and glorious truths; hence
the Apostle Paul says, when writing to the Church of God at Phillipi, "if
there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if
any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, fulfill ye my joy,"
etc. (Phil. 2:1-2); by all which you may clearly see how he ties all up
together, the consolation that is in Christ, with the fellowship of the
Spirit, and a union to and with all the saints. It is not all the consolation
that is in Christ that is of the least use to us, feelingly, without this
Holy and Blessed Spirit, which every convinced sinner well knows, and so
does every poor tempted and tried soul. You may try to be like Barnabas,
a son of consolation to them, and you do right in so doing, but, alas! It
will be all in vain without the Blessed and Holy Spirit of all grace and
truth; it is He that testifies of Christ, "He shall testify of Me":
it is He that takes of the things of Jesus and shows them to us, consequently
He leads our minds into all those office characters that I have been treating
about; He glorifies Jesus in our hearts and affections, enables us to speak
about what He has done for us to His family, and to the shame and confusion
of every foe - "It is not you that speak, but the Spirit of your
Father that speaketh in you"; and enables us to stop their mouths
as Stephen did, "for they could not resist the Spirit by which he
spake." Bears His witness with our spirits that we are the children
of God. And it is hard work for a man to fight against God's Spirit,
His Word, and our conscience; but they do to their destruction. He it is
that comforts us, "I will send you another Comforter, that shall
abide with you forever"; and He leads us up to God's election
and choice of us in Christ Jesus, sheds the Father's love abroad in
our hearts, and gives us an assured hope, which is called everlasting consolation,
and good hope through grace; shows us the new covenant, and our interest
in all the blessings that flow from the sufferings and death of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ; enables us to trace Him from glory into this lower
world, His incarnation for us, His obedience to the Law for us, His cruel
treatment for us, His being apprehended and taken for us, His being condemned
for us, His death for us, His resurrection for us, and His ascension to
everlasting glory as our Head and Representative. For if He did not thus
reveal Christ, you and I could never come at it with an application, and
therefore He is said to be "the Spirit of revelation and understanding
in the knowledge of Christ." Now take notice, are we quickened
to feel our need of Christ? "It is the Spirit that quickeneth";
are we enlightened to see our sin, the spirituality of the Law, Christ as
the only Saviour, and our interest in Him? He is the Spirit of illumination, "He
shall shew you things to come," and so He does, and this makes
us not put far away the evil day as everyone else is sure to do. Again,
are we pardoned? He it is that cleanses us, for He is the Spirit of faith,
and He leads us to Jesus, and by faith we "behold the Lamb of God
that taketh away the sin of the world," and we believe that we
are forgiven all trespasses. He regenerates us; the new man is the workmanship
of this Blessed Spirit; hence Christ says, "that which is born of
the Spirit is spirit." So that there is a grace to oppose every
corruption in the human heart, which constitutes a war till death. Are we
justified by faith in the perfect righteousness of Jesus? This is done in
the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. Is the Lord Jesus
made of God to us Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption?
It is the Spirit of God that lets us know all this, and much more; and therefore
if He is our Wisdom, the Good Spirit first shows us that we are fools - "if
any man will be wise, let him become a fool," etc. Thus the Spirit
of God bloweth upon the goodliness of man, and it all withers away. And
if He is our Righteousness, the Good Spirit shows us that we are naked before
God, and need this Righteousness - "He shall convince of sin, of
righteousness, and of judgment." If He is our Sanctification, the
Good Spirit discovers to us that we are unholy, and then shows us that "we
are complete in Him." All this lays in those words before mentioned, "He
shall testify of Me"; which indeed takes in all of Christ, from
first to last, and is very copious. And if He is our Redemption, the Good
Spirit shows us that we are by nature in a state of captivity, under the
reigning power of Satan, sin, and death; and it is the light and life that
we have from Him, that makes us see and feel these chains, which in His
own time we are brought from under; "for Zion shall be redeemed
with judgment," etc. Therefore He shows us the victories of Christ
on the Cross; and by this faith that is of the operation of the Spirit,
we are liberated; this is the liberty of the Spirit, "for where
the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." But, oh, the sore
conflicts that God's children have with the inbred corruptions of their
hearts from day to day! Which bows them down, and occasions them many a
painful hour; and I am sure that we are indebted to this Blessed Spirit
at such times for helping our infirmities. Unbelief, ignorance, and carnal
reason, are some of our infirmities, as well as a legal spirit; but He is
pleased to remove them out of the way, and encourage us to come again, vile
as we are, to the footstool of sovereign mercy, pleading the promises; when
He is pleased to bring suitable promises, and embolden us to wrestle hard
with the Lord to fulfill His own Word; which if He did not, you and I must
sink in black despair, so heinous are our sins against light, knowledge,
the mercy and love of God. No soul can tell how alarming, how terrifying,
how dreadful, and what slavish fear we feel at the discoveries and workings
of our evil heart, in thoughts and words, even when it does not come to
actions. Now all these things that the Blessed Spirit continually does for
us, are very great consolations.
Furthermore, when we get into the temptations of Satan, what could you
and I do against him, he comes as an accuser, condemns us, goes about like
a roaring lion, works in all the lusts and corruptions of our nature, and
sets it all on fire, comes with a storm. Hence you read, "the blast
of the terrible ones come as a storm against the wall; Thou hast been a
strength to the poor," etc. But how is this strength communicated?
Paul tells us, "strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner
man." Again, he is said to come in like a flood, to deluge us altogether,
and drown us in despair. I have found such dreadful sinkings, bordering
on despair, that I have expected, as David says, "that the water
flood would overflow me, that the deep would swallow me up, and that the
pit would shut her mouth upon me." And what is the cause it was
not so? The Prophet tells us, that "when the enemy shall come in
like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him."
This standard is the Lord Jesus Christ, as the same Prophet tells us, "in
that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign
to the people, to it shall the Gentiles seek, and His rest shall be glorious."
And how precious it is after such storms, such floods, and dreadful overwhelming
sorrows and sinkings of soul, once more to have a hope, a believing view
of the Lord Jesus, and the victory that He obtained on the Cross. Yes, fellow
sufferer, these things are beyond all expression, it is like a resurrection
from the dead, and fills our hearts with love to the Lord Jesus for the
blessed finished work that He has accomplished; "who through His
death destroyed him that had the power of death, that is the devil";
so that we have to fight against conquered enemies-David calls them his
deadly enemies.
There is one grand thing that Paul speaks of, and it has just come to
my mind, and that is the Christian's armor. "Put on the whole
armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on
the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation
of the Gospel of Peace: above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith
ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, and take the
helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching
thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints"
(Eph. 6:11-18). Now we do well to attend particularly to this heavenly armour,
for we are called to a great fight, yes, "against principalities
and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places."
Then let us attend briefly to every part of this armour, and in the next
place we will show that Christ is the sum and substance of it all, and that
the Holy Spirit is engaged in the work.
1. Then "the loins are to be girt about with truth."
Peter explains this, and tells us that truth must be in the mind, in that
he says, "gird up the loins of your mind"; and this is
very needful, namely, to have the mind well stored with experimental truth
arising out of our hearts, to be ready in the Scriptures, and in experience
also, for both must go together; and if heretics and hypocrites get hold
of us we shall be helped in this way to attack them, but not else; therefore
do not despise knowledge, only see that you have experience also. But this
truth is Christ Jesus, "I am the way, the truth"; and the
Good Spirit is to guide us into all truth, for it is He that prepares the
heart, and creates the fruit of the lip: "it is not you that speak,
but the Spirit of your Father that speaketh in you." See Stephen,
how well he was equipped with this part of the armour, so that they could
not resist the Spirit by which he spake. But if we have the truth, yet if
this Holy Spirit does not in the time of need create the fruit of the lip,
you and I cannot stand against error so as to come off victorious. See the
Apostles standing against the rulers; the blind man also that they cast
out, as you read in the 9th of John. All this was the Holy Spirit's
work. "Gird up the loins of your mind"; this is a great
consolation. It is a valuable thing for a Christian to have sound experience
and wisdom in God's Word, to know the treasure God has given him. Hence
Solomon says, "get wisdom (that is, being made wise to salvation),
and with all thy getting get understanding, having your loins girt about
with truth."
2. "Having on the breastplate of righteousness." This
is to guard the heart from Satan and his allies, law, and conscience; and
you will need this in a storm-dreadful sinkings of soul will try this - "when
the blast of the terrible ones come as a storm against the wall,"
when terrible passages of Scripture are leveled at you, and your hope appears
to be giving up the ghost. Now this part of the armor is the perfect righteousness
of Jehovah Jesus, which He wrought out in the days of His flesh, and it
is imputed to us by faith; but the Good Spirit it is that produces this
faith; hence Paul says, "we having received the same Spirit of faith,"
etc., and the righteousness of Christ is to and upon all that believe. Is
not this great consolation to have such a righteousness as this in Christ
Jesus, and faith by the Spirit of God to lay fast hold of it to guard the
heart? Truly it is.
3. The feet are to be "shod with the preparation of the Gospel
of Peace." And here I wish to be very particular; what then are
the feet of the soul? I answer, faith and love; hence Paul says, "we
walk by faith, not by sight," and "walk in love as Christ
also hath loved us," etc. Now you and I may have these feet; but
then, if they are not shod as Paul speaks, we shall find the road exceeding
rough, for we shall cast away our confidence continually, and get cold in
our affections: why? Because our feet are far from being shod, as the Apostle
here speaks; for he does not say that our feet are to be shod with peace,
no: what, then, say you? I answer, "with the preparation of the Gospel
of Peace." And what, then, are we to understand by this? Why, peace
comes to us-what from? The Gospel. What is the cause of the Gospel? The
sufferings and death of the Lord Jesus Christ; "He made peace by
the blood of His Cross." But why did He undertake such a work?
To ransom us from sin, Satan, death, and hell. Why us? The Father's
choice; and therefore the glorious Trinity entered into covenant before
the world was made, in behalf of the elect, and therefore it is called a
Covenant of Peace; "the counsel of peace was between them both";
and the Good Spirit engaged to reveal every blessing of this covenant to
our hearts. This was the preparation; and further back you cannot go. Now
when by that faith which works by love, you can believe that the peace you
feel is the fruit and effect of your election, and that you are a son of
peace, interested in the covenant, then your feet are shod with this preparation,
and not till then; and by various trials, after a while, you will get established,
so that you will not so soon give all up for lost as formerly you did; "after
you have suffered awhile, stablish, strengthen, settle you." See
Paul with this preparation of the Gospel of Peace upon his feet; "for
I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth,
nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God
which is in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:38-39). The love of God in Christ
Jesus was from all eternity. Here was the preparation, and therefore Paul
having this rich experience, wishes all believers to have their feet thus
shod. How cheerfully do you and I take up the cross, and endure hardness,
when our feet are shod with this preparation. See David against Goliath,
and many others in God's Word: but as we were chosen in Christ, and
He is expressly called by Isaiah, the Covenant, this part of the armour
also is Christ, and it is the Spirit of God that strengthens our faith,
and sheds the Father's love abroad in our hearts, or we never could
put these shoes on. O what great consolation arises here! Namely, that all
Satan's power, which is great, can never overcome us; united to Jesus,
and loved with an everlasting love - "having your feet shod,"
4. "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall
be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." Some good
men have said that the shield of faith is faith, but I really do not see
it so; and for several reasons. A man may have strong faith in the fall
of man, and discover the awful corruptions of his own heart, the terrible
majesty, holiness, righteousness, and justice of God, and be under sore
temptations, yea, afraid that what he feels will come out of his mouth,
yes, and this shall go on for some time; but though the man has real faith,
yet he is far enough by this faith from quenching the fiery darts of the
wicked: and you must take notice also, that a believer has but one faith
from first to last, the faith never differs, but the objects of it do. Hence
Paul says, "there is one faith," etc. But whatever this
shield is, it is this that is used to quench these fiery darts.
But again, if Paul understood it to be faith, why should he say, "above
all, take faith," if he intended this to be the shield. Is it to
be supposed that faith is greater than all the other parts of the armour?
Greater than truth, righteousness, the counsel held by the Father and Son
in eternity, called the preparation of the Gospel of Peace greater than
the hope of salvation-greater than the sword of the Spirit, and all prayer-yes,
say you, because it is faith that brings all these things in, and therefore
it is the greatest. Well, but what does the same Apostle say when writing
to the Corinthians, "and now abideth faith, hope, charity, these
three; but the greatest of these is charity, for that never faileth."
And when Paul was under the sweet influence of it, he declared, that he
was ready to die at Jerusalem, for the sake of the Lord Jesus; for, says
he, "the love of Christ constraineth me." Now would you
not rather have thought that he would have said, according to feeling experience, "above
all, taking the shield of love"; admitting him, as you say, to
believe that faith is the shield. But again, if he intended by what he says,
faith, he would have said, "above all, taking the shield faith";
but he says, "above all, taking the shield of faith."
Having showed that he does not mean faith, let us take notice of what
he does mean. Shield in Scripture is sometimes called favour, as in this
text; "for Thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt
Thou compass him, as with a shield." Sometimes it is called truth; "He
shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings thou shalt trust;
His truth shall be thy shield and buckler." But one text will more
plainly tell us what the Apostle Paul really did mean; and that is this, "Abraham
walk before Me, and be thou upright; I am thy shield and thy exceeding great
reward." Then Paul certainly meant that this shield is the Lord
Jesus Christ; for as I told you, that faith in the holiness and justice,
etc., of God never can quench the fiery darts of the wicked, because God
is wroth with us for sin, and is viewed by us as a consuming fire; so that
there is no shield here. But God reconciled in Christ is a shield; and this
takes in those two texts that I have mentioned. First, favour: this is the
favour of Christ Jesus; "in the light of the king's countenance
is life, and his favour (which is a shield) is like the cloud of
the latter rain." But, say you, does the king here mentioned mean
the Lord Jesus? Yes: hence the Father says, "yet have I set My King
upon My holy hill of Zion: blessed are all they that put their trust in
Him." Again, it takes in truth also: for Christ says, "I
am the truth," etc., and truth is a shield: so that God the Son
in our nature is this shield. And let Satan shoot his fiery darts as fast
and as thick as ever he may, they will all be quenched when the Lord Jesus
manifests Himself to the soul. The water of life and love from His fullness
is sure to quench these fiery darts: Satan well knows this. So that it is
evident that this shield is Christ Jesus, or God reconciled in Him, for
it is all one - "I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward"
- and He is above all. For certainly the person from whom these blessings
flow (of the Christian armour) is above the blessings themselves; so that
Paul might well say, "above all, taking the shield of faith,"
5. "And take the helmet of salvation." You see that
every part of this armour has to do with experience; so that those that
have only head notions of truth cannot put it on. Now an helmet is a cap
of steel put on the head to guard it, and Paul tells us what he means by
it spiritually; hence he says, "and for an helmet the hope of salvation"
(1 Thess. 5:8). But you will say that hope has to do with the heart, and
not with the head. To this I will answer what I once heard Mr. Huntington
(now in glory) observe in the sequel of his discourse (for he mentioned
that text in Thessalonians). "Suppose you have a good understanding
of truth in your head, yea, every truth of the everlasting Gospel, but have
no experience, if an arch-heretic gets hold of you he will soon dispute
you out of these truths; but if you hold the doctrine of election, and have
made your calling and election sure - if you hold the doctrine of the atonement,
and your conscience is cleansed from sin - if you hold the doctrine of imputed
righteousness, and feel peace, the blessed effect of it, etc., this is the
experience that worketh hope; and having this good hope within, though they
may for a time baffle and confuse you, yet you never can give all up. Thus
hope is the helmet; and guards the head from every error." I thought
it was a blessed remark indeed. This hope will at times be sorely tried
by Satan; and I know that let you and I have what truth so ever we may,
we shall be sure to give up to him if destitute of this good hope.
I will just drop a hint or two how you may know whether you have this
hope or not. Did you ever discover your own heart; and do you know anything
of temptations, and what is a good hope founded upon? Is it not upon the
promise of God made to such sinners as you see and feel yourself to be?
Does not David say, "remember the Word of promise to Thy servant,
upon which Thou hast caused me to hope?" And again, it is founded
upon mercy, "the Lord takes pleasure in them that fear Him, and
in them that hope in His mercy." Now the promise is to quicken
us - "this is the promise that He hath promised us, eternal life;
and this life is in the Son. He that hath the Son hath life." And
this mercy is to regenerate us; "of His mercy He saves us, by the
washing of regeneration." But suppose it could be proved that there
never was and never will be such a person as the Lord Jesus Christ, and
that salvation is of works instead of grace-why, say you, I should sink
in black despair and go mad. Then, I say, if this is really the truth, your
hope and trust is in the promises of God in Christ Jesus, and the sure mercies
of David that were given to him; for if not, such tidings would never trouble
you at all, and you will know that it is a good hope, as you go on, by getting
into many furnaces of affliction again and again, and they will consume
everything of a fleshly hope; but this good hope, by these trials, will
get stronger and stronger in time, so that you will "rejoice in
hope of the glory of God"; of that glory that is to be revealed.
But the dreadful sinkings and bordering upon despair before this takes place,
as well as after, will teach you the worth of this hope, and that "it
is an anchor of the soul, sure and steadfast," etc. And every dreadful
storm you get over, will be a precious waymark to you, and will afford you
great consolation to think that you are in the possession of a good hope
through grace, founded upon the promises of God, and mercy of God also in
Christ Jesus, who is the object of this hope. Hence Paul calls Him, that "blessed
hope," etc.
"Take the helmet of salvation." This is everlasting
consolation, and good hope through grace, which abounds by Christ, as our
text says, and is a fruit of God's Spirit also, for He is the Spirit
of grace, etc. None will value such things as I am writing about but tried
6. "And the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God."
Observe how particular the Apostle is here; he does not say, take the sword
only, but the Spirit also; which we may take notice of two ways, and both
of them are very necessary. First, the Word of God was indicted by holy
men of God, and they spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Therefore "all
Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness,"
etc., so that this is the sword of God's Spirit. But, secondly, it must
be so handled by God's Good Spirit as to be the sword of our spirits.
Hence the same Apostle says, "the Word of God is quick and powerful,
sharper than any two-edged sword, even to the dividing asunder of soul and
spirit (so that this sword reaches our spirits), joints and marrow
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Now
two different effects are produced by the sword of the Spirit in the hand
of the Holy Ghost; first, when this sword is used to the reprobate, they
are sure to fight against it. Read wherever you will in God's Word,
from Genesis to Revelations, and you will always find this to be the case.
As for example, when Stephen stood before his accusers (full of the Holy
Ghost), and was helped to handle this sword well, they fought against it; "when
they heard these things, they were cut (by this sword) to the heart,
and gnashed on him with their teeth." But when it comes to God's
elect, though they feel the same resisting of it working within, yet it
is so managed by the Blessed Spirit, that they are brought in time to fall
under it. Hence when Peter preached, you read, "they were cut (by the
same sword) to the heart, and cried, men and brethren, what shall we do?"
And you see the blessed effects that followed, even their conversion to
God; "Thine arrows are sharp in the hearts of the king's enemies,
whereby the people fall under Thee." There shall come into your
assembly one that believeth not and unlearned, he is convinced of all, judged
of all, and the secrets of his heart are made manifest; he will fall down
on his face, and worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth"
(1 Cor. 14:24-25). All these Scriptures prove the elect's falling under
the Word as the Spirit of God is pleased in a sovereign way.
"Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God."
Now you and I are called to a fight, a hard and sore warfare; and how are
we to stand against the enemies of our Lord, and our enemies through grace,
without this sword? And there is no one that can stand before the plain
Word of God, delivered by a man from feeling experience, and under the influence
of God's Spirit. The Lord has often so highly favoured me in this way,
that I have wondered at it. So foolish as I often feel I am, yet with this
sword He has helped me to fight again and again to Him be all the glory.
But there is one thing which I wish you to observe, and that is this,
that to the elect, the Word and the Spirit go together, and both into their
hearts; but to a gifted professor, the Word and the Spirit only come into
the judgment; and this was a promise that God the Father made to His dear
Son. Hence He says, "My Spirit that is upon Thee, and My words which
I have put in Thy mouth, shall not depart out of Thy mouth, nor out of the
mouth of Thy seed, nor out of the mouth of Thy seed's seed, saith the
Lord, from henceforth and forever" (Isa. 59:21). Hence David says, "Thy
Word have I hid in my heart," etc., and David was anointed with
oil out of a horn, to show the stability of the kingdom God gave him, for
the Spirit of God came upon David from that day forward; but not so with
Saul, he was anointed with oil out of a glass bottle, to show how brittle
his reign would be; and after this God left him, and an evil spirit from
God troubled him. So it was, and ever will be with all those that have gifts
without grace; "to him that hath (the Word of life and God's
Spirit of grace), to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundantly;
but to him that hath not (these things in his heart) from him shall
be taken away even that which he seemeth to have." You see how
needful it is for those that have on this armour to take the sword of the
Spirit, which is the Word of God. Now the Lord Jesus Christ calls this Word
His; hence He says, "My Word is spirit, My Word is life";
and as I have showed that it is the Spirit that produces it in us, then
our consolations abound by Christ; and these things are very great consolations
at times to us - that "out of the mouth of babes and sucklings,
the Lord has ordained strength," to perfect praise, in order to
still the enemy and avenger. "The sucking child shall play on the
hole of the asp, and the weaned child put his hand on the cockatrice den,"
etc., the blessed effects of this sword.
This sword is very needful for to cut a backslider; and God is pleased
to use it for this purpose. Hence Nathan comes to David with the Word of
God, and David felt it, and fell under it; it brought him to close examination,
honest confession, and humble petitioning. God sometimes uses this sword,
and it cuts so close under the Word preached, that we expect to be cut clean
off. I have trembled under Mr. Huntington and Mr. B-k. O it is hard work:
but He that wounds, will in His own time heal, as I have lived to prove.
You and I need take this sword, for we have many enemies; and a blessed
thing it is when God enables us to handle it well, as He did David, "blessed
be the Lord which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight."
It is hard work for the sinner to kick against the pricks, when we come
with God's Word, and our own experience; and therefore take the sword
of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Very great consolation to have
such a blessed armour.
Lastly, Praying and watching; when the Apostle says, "praying
always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit," several
things are meant. It shows continual danger, and for us to be always at
it. In another place he says, "pray without ceasing." If
we sink very low, we need to pray against despair, pleading the promised
support and strength; and if we rise very high, we need to pray against
a light and trifling spirit; and God has promised to "water us every
moment, lest any hurt us," to keep us (in the night of desertion)
as well as (the day of prosperity). We are to change our prayers according
to our feelings; if barren and dead, pray for life; if beset with corruptions,
God has promised to subdue them, and that grace shall reign; if with outward
enemies, God says, "no weapon formed against thee shall prosper,"
etc. Thus I might go on. "All prayer" - in secret, walking
the streets, at home in the closet, or on our bed - amongst the saints,
or in the house of God. "In the Spirit" - this cuts at
a form of prayer, where the heart is not engaged with God. Such are said
to draw nigh with their mouths, and to honour God with their lips, but their
heart (or spirit) is far from Him. Such are vain worshippers: but this must
be in the spirit, for "God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him,
must worship Him in spirit and in truth." These are true worshippers,
in opposition to false or hypocritical - He requires wisdom and truth in
the hidden parts of the heart. These things plainly show that flesh and
blood can do nothing, and that a man must be furnished with God's Spirit;
hence the same Apostle says, "we are not sufficient of ourselves
to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God." "We
know not how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit maketh intercession for
us, with groanings which cannot be uttered" (Rom. 8:26). And really,
when in my right mind, I rejoice that I can do nothing, for this secures
the whole glory to God. Job says, "by reason of darkness we know
not how to order our speech." You see we are worse than a machine;
for set that a going, and it will keep on; but the same power that sets
us going, must keep us going, or else we cannot go at all in any right path.
I know well what I am writing about.
But Paul adds, "and watching thereunto with all perseverance
and supplication for all saints." This watching is enforced by
the Lord Jesus, "watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation."
Satan is never asleep if we are - no, nor is he off his watch; "he
goeth about as a roaring lion," and he sometimes croucheth and
humbleth that the poor may fall, etc. He is ever setting traps, spreading
nets, and laying baits, snares, etc. He knows our besetting sins and weakest
side. Against all this we do well to watch. Again, it is needful for us
to watch when we go to see a Christian friend, and look out for the presence
of Jesus; to watch our frames in going to prayer and coming from it; whether
we have gained any ground, "godliness with contentment is great
gain" - if we have to bless Him for it; to watch His hand in providence,
and if it goes out against us, to say with Job, "shew me wherefore
Thou contendest with me?" Yes, and narrowly and minutely to watch
Him in all His dealings with us; for "he that will observe these
things, even he shall understand the loving-kindness of the Lord."
But on the other hand, "because they regard not the operations of
His hand, He will destroy them, and not build them up." To watch
also when we go to hear the Word. If careless, does the Word ever search
us; if dead and lifeless, are we quickened by it; if cold, are our hearts
warmed; if we have slipped, and fell into sin, are we reproved and rebuked;
if we have erred in doctrine, are we brought to confess the truth, and fall
before it; if backslidden, are we restored, etc. Now we do well to watch
what good effects are produced by our continual hearing: and if there is
a growth in grace and knowledge, and we get more established, "offer
to the Lord thanksgiving," etc. "It is a good thing to
give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Thy name, O Thou Most High!
To shew forth Thy loving-kindness in the morning, and Thy faithfulness every
night" (Psa. 92:1-2).
Again, "with all perseverance." This shows that there
will be great opposition. But, says Paul, "be not weary in well-doing."
Long and sore trials and afflictions will bear hard against us, for it is
a path of tribulation. It is no easy thing for one that fears God, having
no particular trial of his own in providence, and being pretty well off,
to be continually burdened with this and that poor saint, whose real need
calls for his assistance. This if it continues long without intermission
will try the reality of his love to the brethren, and Satan will tempt him
to shake this yoke off altogether; but, Paul says, "be not weary
in well-doing." Again, the poor creature that is thus helped, is
tempted to drop his profession, for he thinks he only follows Christ for
the loaves and fishes; and therefore Satan tempts him to shun the company
of them his soul loves, telling him that he is a burden to them, and that
they wish him to keep away; but no, says Paul, "with all perseverance";
persevere in hearing, though all appears against you; persevere in praying,
though your prayers appear to be shut out; persevere in reading, though
you get darker and darker; and persevere in uniting with the saints, doing
good both to their bodies and souls; also in praying and watching over them.
"And supplication for all saints." A saint is one that
is set apart in God's eternal purpose, called out of this world, a partaker
of God's Holy Spirit, washed in the blood of Christ, clothed with His
righteousness, and lives to His honour and glory; and as such are sure to
have much sufferings as they travel on to the heavenly Canaan, the Lord
will lay them upon one another's mind, and sometimes will appear for
them in answer to another's prayer, as you may see in Peter, when Herod
shut him up in prison: "prayer by the church was made without ceasing,"
and God brought him out. Hence Paul says, "brethren, pray for us."
Now all these things rightly considered, are great consolations: but
it all springs from Christ Jesus; for whatever we ask, it must be in His
name. There is no access to God without a Mediator; so that our consolations
abound by Christ.
Thus I have treated a little about this armour, and showed that Christ
is the sum and substance of it all. The loins are to be girt with truth
-"I am the truth": the breastplate of righteousness - He
is "the Lord our righteousness": the feet shod - He is
our peace, and prepared it in eternity: the shield - "I am thy shield,
Abraham"; "Thou, Lord, art a shield for me," says
David: the helmet of hope - and He is that blessed hope: the sword or Word
of God - My Word is life; and every prayer must go up through the incense
of this Great High Priest. Well, say you, and this is the Christian's
armour? Yes, it really is - and say you, O that I knew that I had it on!
Paul will tell you. Now as every part of it points to the Lord Jesus Christ,
then, says Paul, "put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and walk in Him":
and what is that? Why, it lays in a love to Him, His people, His truth,
and His ways; for charity is the more excellent way. Now every time you
feel this love in exercise, it proves that you have this armour; and as
you go on, your path will shine more and more.
But finally, There is one thing more that has been great consolation
to my soul, and to many others, and this is, that the Law is not a believer's
rule of life. Now for a poor wounded soul that sees and feels his true state
in the fall, that has long been trying to love God, and keep His commandments,
and love his neighbour as himself, but feels he is quite opposite, that
he hates God, and all that is good, and loves sin-hates his neighbour, and
loves himself-for such a one that is brought to death's door with this
legal working spirit, and expects daily to be consumed by the wrath of God,
to be cut down as a cumberer of the ground - I say, for the Son of God to
make him free from this heavy unbearable yoke, and to be under Christ's
easy yoke, and his burden (instead of the burden of sin), which is light,
O what consolation this is! But God's family that are weak in faith,
suffer much here, as you read in the 15th of Acts, read it carefully. "But
there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees, which believed, saying,
that it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the
Law of Moses." These things distressed many of the brethren. The
Apostles therefore met together, and consulted of this matter, and sent
letters to Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia, to counteract these false assertions.
Peter calls it tempting God to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, "which
(said he), neither we nor our fathers were able to bear; but we believe,
that through the grace of the Lord Jesus, we shall be saved even as they."
So when the Epistle was read to the multitude at Antioch, they rejoiced
for the consolations.
And thus, as the Lord has helped me, I have gone through the text, which
I might have greatly enlarged on; and never as I can recollect have I been
so tried and tempted by Satan in writing any book. God grant that it may
be suitable to the afflicted, tempted, and tried of God's family. It
is a book that will not suit the carnal professor with head notions. I have
entreated the Lord for His blessing on it into whose hands so ever it may
fall, and if but one soul is blessed in reading it, it will not be in vain.
I shall finish with the following text, "for our light afflictions
which are but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal
weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at
the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal,
but the things which are not seen are eternal." Glory to God the
Father, for His eternal love-to God the Son, for taking our nature, and
suffering in our stead-and to God the Holy Ghost, for all the comfort and
consolation we have; Three Divine Persons in One Jehovah, be everlasting
praise. Amen and Amen.