The Unpardonable Sin

Messrs. Editors,

Perceiving from your invaluable publication that you have many correspondents who are among the tried and tempted followers of the Lamb, and having a good hope through grace, and through grace alone, that I am one of them, although I suffer hard and bitter persecution from Satan and my own corrupt nature, the working of which, at times, is so strong, that I am almost driven to distraction, but I bless God Jacob shall conquer Esau, though the conflict last long; I say, this being my case, I am desirous of writing to you upon a subject which has for some time occupied my thoughts, and which, I fear, many of the weak and timid ones of God's family are sorely and grievously troubled about, namely, the sin against the Holy Ghost.
I heard of that dear servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. W., being at Gower-street Chapel, and I went to hear him, when, to my great joy, he mentioned the very subject that I had for some time longed to hear spoken of; as I had been under an awful dread that I had committed the unpardonable sin. When he spoke of his experiencing the very same feelings that had so troubled and harassed my mind, I could almost have eaten his words, and could scarcely hold my peace in the chapel. He described his having to put his hand over his mouth to prevent the most dreadful blasphemies coming out, which I have experienced myself; but, blessed be God, I now feel that those sins are Satan's own, which he tries to put into the heart of the poor troubled, trembling child of God, to drive him to despair; for, as Mr. W. said, the sinner, or rather the saved sinner, would have no fear about that deadly sin if he had committed it. I thought of telling Mr. W. that I believed he had come ninety-nine miles to preach to my soul.

It is now upwards of two years since I was first taught to cry for mercy, and during that time I have suffered much by the conflict between the two natures; but I am now convinced that I must wait God's time for deliverance, as I feel that nothing but a precious Christ will satisfy me, now that God has given the appetite; and bless his holy name for that. But I will not take up your valuable space by writing a long letter about the troubles and trials, ups and downs, hopes and fears which I am daily the subject of, but will conclude by saying that your publication appears to just suit my present spiritual condition, as would also dear Mr. W. preaching suit the Satan-hunted and harassed ones of the flock of Christ, who are clear to God as the apple of his eye; but of this we can be assured only by the mighty power of God the eternal Spirit.

That the Lord may bless you abundantly is the wish of the poor worm now addressing you.

C. B.

London, Nov. 10, 1842.

Reply - On the Unpardonable Sin - William Huntington